Restaurant Crystal Menuprijzen (NL)
Geverifieerde PrijzenMenu-Prices is niet geassocieerd met Restaurant Crystal (NL)
Ga naar sectie Tonen
- 1. Picked For You
- 2. Recommended
- 3. Pita's
- 4. Patat
- 5. Kapsalon
- 6. Soepen
- 7. Voorgerechten
- 8. Kipgerechten
- 9. Vegetarische gerechten
- 10. Vleesgerechten
- 11. Visgerechten
- 12. Pizza's
- 13. Pasta
- 14. Dranken
- 15. Smoothies en verse vruchtensappen
- 16. Dessert
- 17. Recommended
- 18. Picked For You
- 19. Pita E
- 20. Fries E
- 21. Kapsalon E
- 22. Soups E
- 23. Appetizer E
- 24. Chicken dishes E
- 25. Vegetarian dishes E
- 26. Meat dishes E
- 27. Fish dishes E
- 28. Pizzas E
- 29. Pasta E
- 30. Drinks E
- 31. Smoothies and fresh juices E
- 32. Dessert E
- 33. Patat
Je bent aan het bekijken Restaurant Crystal (NL) prijzen bevestigd door Menu-Prices op de volgende locatie:
Leidsestraat 89 HS,
1017 NZ
Prijzen weergegeven in:
- Menu (Nederlands) 11:00 AM – 1:00 AM
- Menu (English) 11:00 AM – 1:00 AM
Picked For You
Verse jus d'orange
Pizza salami
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas en salami (runder).
Pasta bolognese
Spaghetti met bolognese saus.
Pita falafel
Geserveerd met klein bakje salade (ijsbergsla, komkommer, tomaat, maïs en rodekool) en vier sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Pita shoarma
Geserveerd met ijsbergsla, lamsvlees gemixt met kalkoenvlees en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Pita shoarma met kaas
Geserveerd met lamsvlees gemixt met kalkoensvlees, gesmolten kaas, ijsbergsla en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Pita kipfilet shoarma
Geserveerd met ijsbergsla, kipfilet shoarma, meegebakken uien en paprika en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Pita kipfilet shoarma met kaas
Geserveerd met kipfilet shoarma, meegebakken uien en paprika, gesmolten kaas, ijsbergsla en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Pita kebab
Geserveerd met ijsbergsla, lamsgehakt, salade en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Pita kaas
Pita met gesmolten kaas.
Pita kaas gezond
Pita met gesmolten kaas, ijsbergsla, komkommer en tomaat.
Pita ham/kaas
Pita met gesmolten kaas en kalkoenham.
Patat klein
Patat groot
Kapsalon shoarma groot
Geserveerd met lamsvlees gemixt met kalkoenvlees, gesmolten kaas, ijsbergsla, tomaat, komkommer en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Kapsalon kipfilet shoarma groot
Geserveerd met kipfilet shoarma, meegebakken uien en paprika, gesmolten kaas, ijsbergsla, tomaat, komkommer en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Geserveerd met olijfolie en een pitabroodje.
Geserveerd met rucola, ijsbergsla, tomaat, komkommer, maïs, wortel, rode kool en salade dressing.
Geserveerd met tonijn, rucola, ijsbergsla, tomaat, komkommer, maïs en olijfolie.
Griekse salade
Geserveerd met feta kaas, rucola, ijsbergsla, zwarte olijven, tomaat, komkommer en olijfolie.
Gegrilde halve kip schotel
Geserveerd met ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Kipsaté met kroepoek schotel
Geserveerd met vier saté stokjes, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en vier sausjes (saté, knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Kip met champignons schotel
Geserveerd met kipfilet shoarma, meegebakken uien, paprika en champignons, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Gegrilde kipfilet schotel
Geserveerd met ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Kipschnitzel schotel
Geserveerd met gefrituurde kipfilet, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Gegrilde kippendijen schotel
Geserveerd met ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Vegetarische gerechten
Aubergine en hummus schotel
Geserveerd met gefrituurde aubergines, hummus met olijfolie, pita broodje, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Falafel en hummus schotel (Vegetarische gerechten)
Geserveerd met ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs, pita broodje en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Falafel en hummus schotel
Geserveerd met ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs, pita broodje en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Hamburger schotel
Geserveerd met twee losse hamburgers, patat, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Hamburger ananas schotel
Geserveerd met twee losse hamburgers, ananas, patat, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Shashlik schotel
Geserveerd met twee kalkoen shashlik spitten, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Shoarma schotel
Geserveerd met ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Kebab en shashlik schotel
Geserveerd met één spit lamsgehakt kebab en één spit kalkoen shashlik, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Kebab schotel
Geserveerd met twee lamsgehakt kebab spitten, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Shoarma en shashlik schotel
Geserveerd met één spit kalkoen shashlik en shoarma, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Shoarma en kebab schotel
Geserveerd met één spit lamsgehakt kebab en shoarma, patat, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Shoarma Crystal schotel
Geserveerd met shoarma en meegebakken paprika, champignon, uien, witte rijst, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Shoarma spaghetti schotel
Geserveerd met shoarma, spaghetti bolognese, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Spare ribs schotel (Vleesgerechten)
Geserveerd met ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Spare ribs schotel
Geserveerd met ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Kebab en gevulde groenten schotel
Geserveerd met twee lamsgehakt spitten, gevulde paprika, courgette en aubergine, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Mix grill Crystal schotel (Vleesgerechten)
Geserveerd met kippendij, één spit lamsgehakt kebab, één spit kalkoen shashlik, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Mix grill Crystal schotel
Geserveerd met kippendij, één spit lamsgehakt kebab, één spit kalkoen shashlik, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Mix grill schotel
Geserveerd met één spit lamsgehakt kebab, één spit kalkoen shashlik en shoarma, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Lamskarbonade schotel
Geserveerd met drie koteletten, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Lamskarbonade Crystal schotel
Geserveerd met drie koteletten, gevulde paprika courgette en aubergine, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Kalfsschnitzel schotel
Geserveerd met ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Kalfsschnitzel met spaghetti schotel
Geserveerd met spaghetti bolognese, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
T-bone steak schotel
T-bone steak van ongeveer 450 gram, geserveerd met ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Entrecote schotel
Entrecote van 300 gram, geserveerd met ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Gegrilde zalm schotel
Geserveerd met ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Kabeljauwfilet schotel
Geserveerd met ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Fruits de mer schotel
Geserveerd met gefrituurde garnalen, inktvisringen, surimi krab, ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Gefrituurde tong schotel
Geserveerd met ijsbergsla, rucola, tomaat, komkommer, wortel, maïs en drie sausjes (knoflook, uien en sambal saus).
Pizza Margherita
Tomatensaus, mozzarella en Edam 40+ kaas.
Pizza mozzarella
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, pesto en tomaat.
Pizza kip tandoori (Pizza's)
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas, kipfilet shoarma, paprika, uien en champignons.
Pizza kip tandoori
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas, kipfilet shoarma, paprika, uien en champignons.
Pizza shoarma speciaal
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas, shoarma, paprika, uien en champignons.
Pizza shoarma
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas en shoarma.
Pizza Hawaii
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas, ham (kalkoen) en ananas.
Pizza prosciutto
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas en ham (kalkoen).
Pizza il pepperoni
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas en pepperoni (runder).
Pizza capricciosa
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas, ham (kalkoen) en champignons.
Pizza salami (Pizza's)
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas en salami (runder).
Pizza quattro stagioni
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas, ham(runder), salami (runder), paprika en champignons.
Pizza quattro formaggi
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas, Gorgonzola, mozzarella en Parmezaanse kaas.
Pizza kipsaté
Saté saus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas en kipfilet shoarma.
Calzone shoarma
Dubbelgeklapte pizza met tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas en shoarma.
Calzone kip
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas, kipfilet shoarma, paprika, uien en champignons.
Pizza funghi
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas en champignons.
Pizza mista el pepperoni
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas, pepperoni (runder), mozzarella, uien en zwarte olijven.
Pizza vegetariana
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas, artisjok, paprika, uien, champignons en zwarte olijven.
Pizza tonno
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas, tonijn, uien en zwarte olijven.
Pizza marinara
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas en zeevruchten cocktail.
Pizza Napolitana
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas, ansjovis, kappertjes en zwarte olijven.
Pizza fantastica
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas, ham (kalkoen), ei en champignons.
Pizza Crystal
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, Edam 40+ kaas, kipfilet shoarma, shoarma, paprika, uien, champignons, ananas, ham (kalkoen) en salami (runder).
Pasta carbonara
Spaghetti, ham (kalkoen), roomsaus en ei.
Pasta crema funghi
Spaghetti, roomsaus en champignon.
Pasta bolognese (Pasta)
Spaghetti met bolognese saus.
Pasta la piazza
Penne, uien, paprika, champignon en tomatensaus.
Pasta Napolitana
Spaghetti met tomatensaus.
Pasta Siciliana
Spaghetti, uien, paprika, champignon, kappertjes, zwarte olijven en tomatensaus.
Pasta kip speciaal
Spaghetti, kip, paprika, uien, champignon, room en tomatensaus.
Pasta gambas spaghetti
Spaghetti, gambas, uien, paprika, champignon, room en tomatensaus.
Pasta salmone
Spaghetti, zalm, uien en roomsaus.
Pasta gambas penne (Pasta)
Penne, gamba's, uien, paprika, champignon, room en tomatensaus.
Pasta gambas penne
Penne, gamba's, uien, paprika, champignon, room en tomatensaus.
Pasta tonno con cipolla
Spaghetti, tonijn, uien, zwarte olijven en tomatensaus.
Lasagne vegetariana
Coca-Cola (Dranken)
Coca-Cola light
Fanta (Dranken)
Spa blauw
0,5 liter.
Spa rood
0,5 liter.
Lipton Ice Tea sparkling
Lipton Ice Tea green
AA Drink
Fernandes rood
Fernandes geel
Fernandes groen
Fernandes blauw
Red Bull
Smoothies en verse vruchtensappen
Verse jus d'orange (Smoothies en verse vruchtensappen)
Verse mango sap
Green smoothie
Spinazie, avocado, appel, broccoli, mango, tarwegras, gerstegras en spirulina.
Orange smoothie
Wortel, rode biet, gember, papaya, selderij, appel en lucuma.
Hawaiian smoothie
Passievrucht, kokos, mango, acerola kersen, appel en ananas.
Berry smoothie
Açai, blauwe bes, zwarte bes, banaan, appel, aardbei, bramen, hennep protein en baobab.
Picked For You
Calzone shawarma
Double-folded pizza with tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese and shawarma.
Pizza chicken tandoori
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese, shoarma chicken fillet, bell pepper, onions and mushrooms.
Served with olive oil and a pita bread.
Pita E
Pita falafel
Served with a small bowl of salad (iceberg lettuce, cucumber, tomato, corn and red cabbage) and four sauces (tahina, garlic, onions and sambal sauce).
Pita shawarma
Served with iceberg lettuce, lamb mixed with turkey meat and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Pita shawarma (Pita E)
Served with iceberg lettuce, lamb mixed with turkey meat and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Pita shawarma with cheese
Served with lamb mixed with turkey meat, melted cheese, iceberg lettuce and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Pita shawarma chicken fillet
Served with iceberg lettuce, shoarma chicken fillet, with fried onions and peppers and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Pita shawarma chicken fillet with cheese
Served with shawarma chicken fillet, with fried onions and peppers, melted cheese, iceberg lettuce and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Pita kebab large
Served with iceberg lettuce, minced lamb, salad and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Pita cheese
Pita with melted cheese.
Pita cheese healthy
Pita with melted cheese, iceberg lettuce, cucumber and tomato.
Pita ham with cheese
Pita with melted cheese and turkey ham.
Fries E
Small fries
Big fries
Kapsalon E
Kapsalon shawarma large
Served with lamb mixed with turkey meat, melted cheese, iceberg lettuce, tomato, cucumber and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Kapsalon chicken fillet shawarma large
Served with shawarma chicken fillet, with fried onions and peppers, melted cheese, iceberg lettuce, tomato, cucumber and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Soups E
Vegetable soup
Mushroom soup
Onion soup
Chicken soup
Tomato soup
Lentil soup
Appetizer E
Hummus (Appetizer E)
Served with olive oil and a pita bread.
Vegetable salad
Served with arugula, iceberg lettuce, tomato, cucumber, corn, carrot, red cabbage and salad dressing.
Tuna salad
Served with tuna, arugula, iceberg lettuce, tomato, cucumber, corn and olive oil.
Greek salad
Served with feta cheese, arugula, iceberg lettuce, black olives, tomato, cucumber and olive oil.
Chicken dishes E
Grilled half chicken dish
Served with iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Chicken satay with prawn cracker dish
Served with four saté sticks, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and four sauces (saté, garlic, onions and sambal sauce).
Chicken with mushroom dish
Served with shawarma chicken fillet, fried onions, peppers, mushrooms, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Grilled chicken fillet dish
Served with iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Grilled chicken fillet dish (Chicken dishes E)
Served with iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Chicken schnitzel dish
Served with fried chicken fillet, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Grilled chicken thigh dish
Served with iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Vegetarian dishes E
Eggplant and hummus dish
Served with fried aubergines, hummus with olive oil, pita sandwich, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Falafel and hummus dish
Served with iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn, pita bread and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Meat dishes E
Hamburger dish
Served with two separate hamburgers, fries, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Hamburger pineapple dish
Served with two separate hamburgers, pineapple, fries, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Shashlik dish
Served with two turkey Shashlik spits, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Shawarma dish
Served with iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Kebab and shashlik dish
Served with one spit of minced lamb kebab and one spit of turkey shashlik, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Kebab dish
Served with two minced lamb kebabs, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Shawarma and shashlik dish
Served with one spit of turkey shashlik and shawarma, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Shawarma and kebab dish
Served with one spit minced lamb kebab and shawarma, fries, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Shawarma Crystal dish
Served with shawarma and fried peppers, mushroom, onions, white rice, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Shawarma spaghetti dish
Served with shawarma, spaghetti bolognese, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Spare ribs dish
Served with iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Kebab and stuffed vegetable dish
Served with two minced lamb, stuffed peppers, zucchini and eggplant, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Mix grill Crystal dish
Served with chicken thigh, one spit of minced lamb kebab, one spit of turkey shashlik, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Mix grill dish
Served with one spit of minced lamb kebab, one spit of turkey shashlik and shawarma, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Lamb chop dish
Served with three chops, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Lamb chop Crystal dish
Served with three chops, stuffed bell pepper zucchini and eggplant, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Veal schnitzel dish
Served with iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Veal schnitzel with spaghetti dish
Served with spaghetti bolognese, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
T-bone steak dish
T-bone steak of approximately 450 grams, served with iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Prime rib dish
300-gram prime rib served with iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Fish dishes E
Grilled salmon dish
Served with iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Grilled salmon dish (Fish dishes E)
Served with iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Cod fillet dish
Served with iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Seafood dish
Served with fried shrimp, squid rings, surimi crab, iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Fried sole dish
Served with iceberg lettuce, arugula, tomato, cucumber, carrot, corn and three sauces (garlic, onion and sambal sauce).
Pizzas E
Pizza Margherita
Tomato sauce, mozzarella and Edam 40+ cheese.
Pizza mozzarella
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, pesto and tomato.
Pizza chicken tandoori (Pizzas E)
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese, shoarma chicken fillet, bell pepper, onions and mushrooms.
Pizza shawarma special
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese, shawarma, peppers, onions and mushrooms.
Pizza shawarma
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese and shawarma.
Pizza Hawaii
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese, ham (turkey) and pineapple.
Pizza prosciutto
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese and ham (turkey).
Pizza il pepperoni
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese and pepperoni (beef).
Pizza capricciosa
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese, ham (turkey) and mushrooms.
Pizza salami
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese and salami (beef).
Pizza quattro stagioni
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese, ham (beef), salami (beef), peppers and mushrooms.
Pizza quattro formaggi
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese, Gorgonzola, mozzarella and Parmesan cheese.
Pizza chicken satay
Saté sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese and chicken fillet shawarma.
Calzone shawarma (Pizzas E)
Double-folded pizza with tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese and shawarma.
Calzone chicken
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese, shawarma chicken fillet, bell pepper, onions and mushrooms.
Pizza funghi
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese and mushrooms.
Pizza mista el pepperoni
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese, pepperoni (beef), mozzarella, onions and black olives.
Pizza vegetariana
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese, artichoke, bell pepper, onions, mushrooms and black olives.
Pizza tonno
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese, tuna, onions and black olives.
Pizza marinara
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese and seafood cocktail.
Pizza Napolitana
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese, anchovies, capers and black olives.
Pizza fantastica
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese, ham (turkey), egg and mushrooms.
Pizza Crystal
Tomato sauce, mozzarella, Edam 40+ cheese, chicken fillet shawarma, shawarma, peppers, onions, mushrooms, pineapple, ham (turkey) and salami (beef).
Pasta E
Pasta carbonara
Spaghetti, ham (turkey), cream sauce and egg.
Pasta crema funghi
Spaghetti, cream sauce and mushroom.
Pasta bolognese
Spaghetti with bolognese sauce.
Pasta la piazza
Penne, onions, peppers, mushroom and tomato sauce.
Pasta Napolitana
Spaghetti with tomato sauce.
Pasta Siciliana
Spaghetti, onions, peppers, mushroom, capers, black olives and tomato sauce.
Pasta chicken special
Spaghetti, chicken, bell pepper, onions, mushroom, cream and tomato sauce.
Pasta gambas spaghetti
Spaghetti, prawns, onions, peppers, mushroom, cream and tomato sauce.
Pasta salmone
Spaghetti, salmon, onions and cream sauce.
Pasta gambas penne
Penne, prawns, onions, peppers, mushroom, cream and tomato sauce.
Pasta gambas penne (Pasta E)
Penne, prawns, onions, peppers, mushroom, cream and tomato sauce.
Pasta tonno con cipolla
Spaghetti, tuna, onions, black olives and tomato sauce.
Lasagne vegetariane
Drinks E
Coca-Cola (Drinks E)
Coca-Cola light
Fanta (Drinks E)
Spa still
0,5 liters.
Spa sparkling
0,5 liters.
Lipton Ice Tea sparkling
Lipton Ice Tea green
AA Drink
Fernandes cherry bouquet
Fernandes super pineapple
Fernandes green punch
Fernandes red grape
Red Bull
Smoothies and fresh juices E
Fresh orange juice
Fresh mango juice
Green smoothie
Spinach, avocado, apple, broccoli, mango, wheat grass, barley grass and spirulina.
Orange smoothie
Carrot, beetroot, ginger, papaya, celery, apple and lucuma.
Hawaiian smoothie
Passion fruit, coconut, mango, acerola cherries, apple and pineapple.
Berry smoothie
Acai, blueberry, black currant, banana, apple, strawberry, blackberry, hemp protein and baobab.
Dessert E
Patat klein
Patat groot
Ontkenning: Menu-Prices verzamelt actuele prijsinformatie van bronnen zoals bezoeken ter plaatse, zakelijke websites en telefonische interviews. De prijzen die op deze webpagina worden vermeld, zijn afkomstig van een of meer van die bronnen. Vanzelfsprekend zijn de prijzen op deze website mogelijk niet actueel en mogelijk niet van toepassing op alle locaties van een bepaald bedrijfsmerk. Neem contact op met de individuele bedrijfslocatie die voor u interessant is om de huidige prijzen te verkrijgen.
Populair Restaurants
- Baskin-Robbins 601
- Ben & Jerry's 688
- Bepita 519
- Domino's 869
- Dunkin' Donuts 965
- Favorite Chicken & Ribs 556
- Five Guys 815
- Habibi 676
- Italian District 568
- La Reinita Empanadas 560
- La Vita 614
- McDonald's 4396
- Papa John's 736
- Pistache Halab 581
- Roti 649
- Subway 1427
- The Poké Family 652
- Tosti House 549
- Wagamama 742
- Yummy Hummus 545
- Alles Bekijken Overige Restaurants