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京三昧 すぐきちりめん山椒・壬生菜シャケ・しその実昆布 Kyoto-Style Pickled Suguki Turnips with Dried Young Sardines and Sansho Pepper, Wild Mustard Leaf and Salmon, & Perilla Seed and Seaweed
しその実昆布:老舗京漬物大安のしその実漬けを昆布と混ぜご飯にしたおむすびです。 Pickled suguki turnips with dried young sardines and sansho pepper: Rice ball made with rice mixed with pickled suguki turnip from the long-established Kyoto pickle store Daiyasu, combined with dried young sardines and sansho pepper. Wild mustard leaf and salmon: Rice ball made with rice mixed with shredded salmon and Kyoto-style pickles from the long-established Kyoto pickle store Daiyasu. Perilla seed and seaweed: Rice b
三種の塩むすび 紅塩・トリュフ塩・抹茶塩 3 Kinds of Salt Red Salt, Truffle Salt, & Matcha Salt
抹茶塩:塩抹茶塩を使用した塩むすびです。 Red salt: Salted rice ball made with Andes red salt. Truffle salt: Salted rice ball made with truffle salt. Matcha salt: Salted rice ball made with matcha salt.
ベビーのおむすび・サーモン親子 Babystar Musubi & Salmon and Salmon Roe
サーモン親子:脂ののった焼きシャケに北海道産イクラをたっぷり使った具沢山なおむすびです。言わずともシャケとイクラが合わないわけがありません。 Babystar musubi: We have made everyone's favorite Babystar into a rice ball. Made with teriyaki chicken, it is a dish in which you can surely enjoy both it's texture and taste. Salmon and salmon roe: Rice ball made with lots of grilled salmon with fat and Hokkaido-produced salmon roe. There is no reason why salmon and salmon roe do not go well together.
焼きタラコ・おかか梅 Roasted Cod Roe & Bonito with Pickled Plum
おかか梅:ほんのり甘みのある梅と自家製のおかかをたっぷりと使用した風味豊かな一品。バランスのとれた梅の酸味と後から来るおかかの香りがとても合います。 Roasted cod roe: Freshly-roasted cod roe roasted in our store with a moist and rich taste. Enjoy the texture of each cod roe. Bonito with pickled plum: Tasty dish made with lots of slightly sweet plum and homemade bonito. Good combination of the well-balanced sour taste of plum with the after-taste of bonito.
贅沢三昧 ウニキャビア・トリュフイクラ・フォアグラチキン Luxurious Sea Urchin Caviar, Truffle Salmon Roe, & Chicken with Foie Gras
フォアグラチキン:フワッとジューシーに焼き上げたフォアグラと照り焼きチキンを合わせた特製おむすびです。 Sea urchin caviar: Luxurious rice ball with the rich flavor of sea urchin, saltiness of caviar, and the sweet taste of rice that spreads in the mouth. Truffle salmon roe: Truffle rice ball made with rice seasoned with Spain-produced high-quality truffle oil, truffle salt, and truffle powder. Pairs well with the rich taste of Hokkaido-produced salmon roe. Chicken with f
単品メニュー A La Carte Menu
サーモン親子 Salmon and Salmon Roe
言わずともシャケとイクラが合わないわけがありません。 Rice ball made with lots of grilled salmon with fat and Hokkaido-produced salmon roe. There is no reason why salmon and salmon roe do not go well together.
しその実昆布 Perilla Seed and Seaweed
老舗京漬物大安のしその実漬けを昆布と混ぜご飯にしたおむすびです。 Rice ball made with rice mixed with seaweed and perilla seed from the long-established Kyoto pickle store Daiyasu.
壬生菜シャケ Wild Mustard Leaf and Salmon
老舗京漬物大安の壬生菜浅漬けをほぐし鮭と混ぜご飯にしたおむすびです。 Rice ball made with rice mixed with shredded salmon and Kyoto-style pickles from the long-established Kyoto pickle store Daiyasu.
うにキャビア Sea Urchin Caviar
濃厚なウニの風味とキャビアの塩気がお米の甘みと共に口の中に広がる贅沢むすび。 Luxurious rice ball with the rich flavor of sea urchin, saltiness of caviar, and the sweet taste of rice that spreads in the mouth.
白トリュフイクラ White Truffle Salmon Roe
スペイン産高級トリュフオイル、トリュフ塩、トリュフパウダーでお米に味付けしたトリュフ三昧むすび。北海道産イクラの濃厚な味とよく合います。 Truffle rice ball made with rice seasoned with Spain-produced high-quality truffle oil, truffle salt, and truffle powder. Pairs well with the rich taste of Hokkaido-produced salmon roe.
2個セットメニュー 2 Item Set Menu
塩むすび・ツナマヨ Salt Musubi & Tuna and Mayonnaise
ツナマヨ:言わずもしれた人気メニュー。大粒のマグロ油漬けを丁寧にほぐしてマヨネーズとあえた自家製のツナマヨは他では味わえない一品です。 Salt musubi: Made with Kyotango-produced premium quality Koshihikari "Kyo No Miyagozen". Rice ball made with Andes red salt that brings out the authentic flavors of rice. Tuna and mayonnaise: Popular dish that needs no telling. Homemade tuna and mayonnaise that you can't taste anywhere else made with large tuna marinated in oil, carefully shredded, and mixed in mayonnaise.
焼きシャケ・のり佃煮 Grilled Salmon & Nori Seaweed Boiled in Sweetened Soy Sauce
のり佃煮:国産海苔を丁寧に煮ほぐして優しい味に仕上げました。手間ひまかけて作る佃煮は真似できないおいしさがあります。 Grilled salmon: salmon with fat carefully cleaned and grilled in our store. Rice ball packed with the delicious flavors of salmon that can be enjoyed by both children and adults. Nori seaweed boiled in sweetened soy sauce: We have carefully boiled the domestically-produced nori seaweed and finished it with a mild taste. Nori seaweed boiled in sweetened soy sauce with a delicious taste created with time and
明太子・炙りスパムたまご Pollack Roe & Teriyaki Spam and Egg
炙りスパムたまご:ハワイで大人気のスパムを香りよく炙り、ほんのり甘いたまご焼きと合わせました。スパムの香ばしい塩気とフワッと香るたまごの甘みのコントラストをお楽しみください。 Pollack roe: Musube's pollack roe rice ball is made with lots of Hakata-produced pollack roe. Enjoy the taste of pollack roe until the last bite. Teriyaki spam and egg: Hawaii's highly popular and aromatic teriyaki spam, combined with slightly sweet omelette. Enjoy the contrasting taste of aromatic saltiness of spam with aromatic sweetness of egg.
焼きタラコ・おかか梅 Roasted Cod Roe & Bonito with Pickled Plum (2個セットメニュー 2 Item Set Menu)
おかか梅:ほんのり甘みのある梅と自家製のおかかをたっぷりと使用した風味豊かな一品。バランスのとれた梅の酸味と後から来るおかかの香りがとても合います。 Roasted cod roe: Freshly-roasted cod roe roasted in our store with a moist and rich taste. Enjoy the texture of each cod roe. Bonito with pickled plum: Tasty dish made with lots of slightly sweet plum and homemade bonito. Good combination of the well-balanced sour taste of plum with the after-taste of bonito.
天使・悪魔 Angel & Devil
悪魔:悪魔的においしいおむすび。天かす、青のり、桜えびを自家製のお出汁と一緒に混ぜご飯にしました。ふんわり香る素材の風味にやみつきになること間違いなし。 Angel: Luxurious rice ball made with one whole of the world's finest angel shrimp. Give this aromatic teriyaki shrimp a try. Devil: Rice ball with a devilish and delicious taste. Seasoned rice made with bits of fried tempura batter, nori seaweed, sakura shrimp with homemade stock. No doubt an addictive dish with the aroma and taste of ingredients.
トリュフイクラ・ウニキャビア Truffle Salmon Roe & Sea Urchin Caviar
ウニキャビア:濃厚なウニの風味とキャビアの塩気がお米の甘みと共に口の中に広がる贅沢むすび。 Truffle salmon roe: Truffle rice ball made with rice seasoned with Spain-produced high-quality truffle oil, truffle salt, and truffle powder. Pairs well with the rich taste of Hokkaido-produced salmon roe. Sea urchin caviar: Luxurious rice ball with the rich flavor of sea urchin, saltiness of caviar, and the sweet taste of rice that spreads in the mouth.
ベビーのおむすび・サーモン親子 Babystar Musubi & Salmon and Salmon Roe (2個セットメニュー 2 Item Set Menu)
サーモン親子:脂ののった焼きシャケに北海道産イクラをたっぷり使った具沢山なおむすびです。言わずともシャケとイクラが合わないわけがありません。 Babystar musubi: We have made everyone's favorite Babystar into a rice ball. Made with teriyaki chicken, it is a dish in which you can surely enjoy both it's texture and taste. Salmon and salmon roe: Rice ball made with lots of grilled salmon with fat and Hokkaido-produced salmon roe. There is no reason why salmon and salmon roe do not go well together.
3個セットメニュー 3 Item Set Menu
三種の塩むすび 紅塩・トリュフ塩・抹茶塩 3 Kinds of Salt Red Salt, Truffle Salt, & Matcha Salt (3個セットメニュー 3 Item Set Menu)
抹茶塩:塩抹茶塩を使用した塩むすびです。 Red salt: Salted rice ball made with Andes red salt. Truffle salt: Salted rice ball made with truffle salt. Matcha salt: Salted rice ball made with matcha salt.
京三昧 すぐきちりめん山椒・壬生菜シャケ・しその実昆布 Kyoto-Style Pickled Suguki Turnips with Dried Young Sardines and Sansho Pepper, Wild Mustard Leaf and Salmon, & Perilla Seed and Seaweed (3個セットメニュー 3 Item Set Menu)
しその実昆布:老舗京漬物大安のしその実漬けを昆布と混ぜご飯にしたおむすびです。 Pickled suguki turnips with dried young sardines and sansho pepper: Rice ball made with rice mixed with pickled suguki turnip from the long-established Kyoto pickle store Daiyasu, combined with dried young sardines and sansho pepper. Wild mustard leaf and salmon: Rice ball made with rice mixed with shredded salmon and Kyoto-style pickles from the long-established Kyoto pickle store Daiyasu. Perilla seed and seaweed: Rice b
海老づくし 天使の海老・桜エビおかか・白エビちりめん山椒 All Kinds of Shrimp Angel Shrimp, Sakura Shrimp with Bonito, & Japanese Glass Shrimp with Dried Young Sardines and Sansho Pepper
白エビちりめん山椒:富山県産の風味豊かな白エビをちりめん山椒と合わせたおむすびです。 Angel: Luxurious rice ball made with one whole of the world's finest angel shrimp. Give this aromatic teriyaki shrimp a try. Sakura shrimp and bonito: Rice ball made with fresh sakura shrimp combined with bonito. Japanese glass shrimp with dried young sardines and sansho pepper: Rice ball made with Toyama-produced tasty Japanese glass shrimp combined with dried young sardines and sansho pepper.
マヨ三種 ツナマヨ・高菜明太マヨ・桜海老マヨ 3 Kinds of Mayonnaise Tuna and Mayonnaise, Leaf Mustard and Pollack Roe with Mayonnaise, & Sakura Shrimp
桜海老マヨ:新鮮な桜エビを自家製マヨネーズとあえたおむすびです。 Tuna and mayonnaise: Popular dish that needs no telling. Homemade tuna and mayonnaise that you can't taste anywhere else made with large tuna marinated in oil, carefully shredded, and mixed in mayonnaise. Leaf mustard and pollack roe with mayonnaise: Rice ball made with leaf mustard marinated in soy sauce and mixed with pollack roe and mayonnaise. Sakura shrimp with mayonnaise: Rice ball made with fresh sakur
贅沢三昧 ウニキャビア・トリュフイクラ・フォアグラチキン Luxurious Sea Urchin Caviar, Truffle Salmon Roe, & Chicken with Foie Gras (3個セットメニュー 3 Item Set Menu)
フォアグラチキン:フワッとジューシーに焼き上げたフォアグラと照り焼きチキンを合わせた特製おむすびです。 Sea urchin caviar: Luxurious rice ball with the rich flavor of sea urchin, saltiness of caviar, and the sweet taste of rice that spreads in the mouth. Truffle salmon roe: Truffle rice ball made with rice seasoned with Spain-produced high-quality truffle oil, truffle salt, and truffle powder. Pairs well with the rich taste of Hokkaido-produced salmon roe. Chicken with f
海のたまご三昧 焼きタラコ・明太子・イクラ Luxurious Sea Eggs Roasted Cod Roe, Pollack Roe, & Salmon Roe
イクラ:しょうゆ漬けにした大粒イクラをたっぷり使ったおむすびです。 Roasted cod roe: Freshly-roasted cod roe roasted in our store with a moist and rich taste. Enjoy the texture of each cod roe. Pollack roe: Musube's pollack roe rice ball is made with lots of Hakata-produced pollack roe. Enjoy the taste of pollack roe until the last bite. Salmon roe: Rice ball made with lots of large salmon roe marinated in soy sauce.
免責事項: Menu-Pricesは、オンサイト訪問、ビジネスWebサイト、電話インタビューなどのソースから実際の価格情報を収集します。 このWebページで報告される価格は、これらのソースの1つまたは複数に由来します。 当然、このウェブサイトで報告される価格は最新のものではなく、特定のビジネスブランドのすべての場所に適用されるわけではありません。 現在の価格を取得するには、関心のある個々のビジネス拠点に連絡してください。
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