もつ鍋仙頭 中洲店 motsunabesendo nakasu メニュー価格 (JP)
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8(192) 409-5439
もつ鍋 Offal Hot Pots
仙頭もつ鍋 Sendo Offal Hot Pot (もつ鍋 Offal Hot Pots)
自家製の塩だれがベースの秘伝のスープに炭の香りが食欲をそそる「炙りもつ」。爽やかに味を引き締める「塩麴レモン」が特徴のあっさりとしたもつ鍋です。 This hot pot is made with charred offal with the enticing aroma of charcoal. It is served in our secret soup, which is made with a base of our homemade salt sauce. Lemon shio koji also gives this hot pot a unique light and refreshing flavor as well.
仙頭もつ鍋 Sendo Offal Hot Pot
自家製の塩だれがベースの秘伝のスープに炭の香りが食欲をそそる「炙りもつ」。爽やかに味を引き締める「塩麴レモン」が特徴のあっさりとしたもつ鍋です。 This hot pot is made with charred offal with the enticing aroma of charcoal. It is served in our secret soup, which is made with a base of our homemade salt sauce. Lemon shio koji also gives this hot pot a unique light and refreshing flavor as well.
醤油もつ鍋 Soy Sauce Offal Hot Pot (もつ鍋 Offal Hot Pots)
九州特有の甘い醤油を使用したスープは、国産のぶりもつ、柚子胡椒入り揚げ豆腐との相性は抜群です! The soup in this hot pot is made with Kyushu soy sauce, which is well known for its unique sweetness. It also goes very well with the other ingredients in this dish, which includes great amberjack offal and fried citrus pepper tofu!
醤油もつ鍋 Soy Sauce Offal Hot Pot
九州特有の甘い醤油を使用したスープは、国産のぶりもつ、柚子胡椒入り揚げ豆腐との相性は抜群です! The soup in this hot pot is made with Kyushu soy sauce, which is well known for its unique sweetness. It also goes very well with the other ingredients in this dish, which includes great amberjack offal and fried citrus pepper tofu!
味噌もつ鍋 Miso Offal Hot Pot (もつ鍋 Offal Hot Pots)
白味噌と麦味噌をブレンドした甘くも少しピリ辛。自慢のぶりもつとの調和をお楽しみください! This sweet and slightly spicy soup is made with a blend of white miso and wheat miso. We hope you enjoy the harmony the soup creates with our high quality great skipjack offal!
味噌もつ鍋 Miso Offal Hot Pot
白味噌と麦味噌をブレンドした甘くも少しピリ辛。自慢のぶりもつとの調和をお楽しみください! This sweet and slightly spicy soup is made with a blend of white miso and wheat miso. We hope you enjoy the harmony the soup creates with our high quality great skipjack offal!
辛味噌もつ鍋 Spicy Miso Offal Hot Pot (もつ鍋 Offal Hot Pots)
自家製の辛味噌スープで野菜の甘みともつの旨味を際立たせました!辛い物好きの方は是非! Our homemade spicy miso soup brings out the wonderful flavors of the sweet vegetables and flavorful offal! We highly recommend it to those that like spicy food!
辛味噌もつ鍋 Spicy Miso Offal Hot Pot
自家製の辛味噌スープで野菜の甘みともつの旨味を際立たせました!辛い物好きの方は是非! Our homemade spicy miso soup brings out the wonderful flavors of the sweet vegetables and flavorful offal! We highly recommend it to those that like spicy food!
揚げ物 Fried Foods
仙頭の手羽唐(3本入り) Sendo Fried Chicken Wings (3)
当店秘伝の「衣」が美味しさの肝!リピーター続出、当店鉄板のサイドメニュー。 The secret to the deliciousness of these chicken wings is the breading! People keep coming back for more, so they are sure to satisfy!
タコの唐揚げ Fried Octopus
大きめに切ったたこ足にしっかり味を染みこませてから揚げました!おつまみにピッタリ! Large pieces of octopus tentacles are boldly seasoned and fried until crispy and delicious! They make a perfect snack!
炭焼き Charcoal-Grilled Foods
赤牛の炭火焼 Charcoal-Grilled Japanese Brown Beef
熊本産の赤牛のイチボを使用。赤身好きにはたまらない一品です。 Made with Kumamoto Japanese Brown beef aitchbone. Those that like the flavor of Japanese Brown beef won't be able to get enough of it.
地鶏の炭火焼 Charcoal-Grilled Free-Range Chicken
鹿児島県産の地鶏を炭焼きにしてポン酢をつけてご提供してます!幅広い層に人気です! We offer this charcoal-grilled free-range chicken from Kagoshima prefecture with ponzu! It is popular with a wide variety of customers!
鴨ロースの炭火焼 Charcoal-Grilled Duck Loin
ヨーロッパ産の鴨を厚切りにカット!ジビエの炭焼きを是非お試しください! This wild European duck is cut into thick slices and charcoal-grilled. Please give it a try!
つまみ Snacks
和牛酢もつ Vinegared Japanese Beef Offal (つまみ Snacks)
当店人気のおつまみ。臭みがなくお酒が進む一品です。 A popular snack at our restaurant. It has a surprisingly mild flavor that goes very well with alcohol.
和牛酢もつ Vinegared Japanese Beef Offal
当店人気のおつまみ。臭みがなくお酒が進む一品です。 A popular snack at our restaurant. It has a surprisingly mild flavor that goes very well with alcohol.
エイヒレの炭焼き Charcoal-Grilled Manta Ray Fillet
おつまみの定番!炭の香りでお酒も進みます! This classic snack has the wonderful aroma of charcoal, which goes very well with alcohol!
いわし明太子 Pollock Roe Stuffed Sardines
博多定番のおつまみ! A classic Hakata snack!
糸島豚の角煮 Cubed Itoshima Pork Stew
あっさりとしたスープにとろみをつけ、トロトロの角煮に絡めております。地産地消の一品。 This thick, yet lightly flavored soup completely coats this locally produced pork.
ごはん Rice
クリームミートとバジルのオムライス Creamy Omelette Rice with Meat and Basil
中洲店限定の裏メニューがUber Eatsに登場!是非一度ご賞味ください! This dish was once only on the secret menu at this particular location, but now you can also find it on our Uber Eats menu! We hope you give it a try!
パン Bread
サバのラップサンド Mackerel Wrap
自家製サワーソースでサラダとサバのフライを包んだラップサンドです! This wrap is made with fried mackerel, salad, and our homemade sour sauce!
免責事項: Menu-Pricesは、オンサイト訪問、ビジネスWebサイト、電話インタビューなどのソースから実際の価格情報を収集します。 このWebページで報告される価格は、これらのソースの1つまたは複数に由来します。 当然、このウェブサイトで報告される価格は最新のものではなく、特定のビジネスブランドのすべての場所に適用されるわけではありません。 現在の価格を取得するには、関心のある個々のビジネス拠点に連絡してください。
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