糖質制限 ロカボ キッチン 西新店 Low Carbo Kitchen NISHIJIN メニュー価格 (JP)
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鶏肉とキャベツのさっぱりポン酢炒め Refreshing Chicken & Cabbage Ponzu Stir-Fry
タンパク質&脂質をしっかり摂取!鶏モモ肉300g使用!シャキシャキキャベツと一緒に!あっさり召し上がれ! Gives you plenty of healthy protein and fat! Made with 300g of chicken thigh! Enjoy with the fresh, crunchy cabbage! A light, refreshing meal.
牛肉3種満腹炒め Filling 3 Kinds of Beef Stir-Fry
タンパク質&脂質をしっかり摂取!牛肉3種充実の240g使用!ボリュームも申し分無しの1品! Gives you plenty of healthy protein and fat! Made with a substantial 240g of 3 cuts of beef! A filling dish that’s sure to satisfy.
牛肉と鶏肉の高たんぱく炒め Beef & Chicken Protein-Rich Stir-Fry
タンパク質&脂質をしっかり摂取!牛肉と鶏肉の贅沢コンビ220g使用!タレの旨味で満足感にもこだわった1品。 Gives you plenty of healthy protein and fat! Uses a generous 240g of beef and chicken! Enjoy this lovingly created and satisfying dish with our delicious sauce.
ヘルシーチキンのさっぱりポン酢炒め Refreshing and Healthy Chicken Ponzu Stir-Fry
タンパク質&脂質をしっかり摂取!鶏肉2種300g使用!柚子胡椒香るさっぱりポン酢であっさり食べやすい! Gives you plenty of healthy protein and fat! Made with 300g of 2 different cuts of chicken! Seasonings of yuzu, chili and ponzu make this dish light and easy to eat.
ローストビーフサラダ Roast Beef Salad
今日の主菜はサラダ!新鮮野菜からビタミンとミネラルを摂取。牛モモの赤身肉を使用した丁寧仕込のローストビーフで満足度UP。当店オススメの3種ソースからお好みでお選びください。 Make today’s main dish a salad! Get plenty of vitamins and minerals from these fresh vegetables. Carefully prepared with lean beef thigh meat, this salad is very satisfying. Please select from among our 3 recommended sauces.
【相盛】鶏肉とキャベツのさっぱりポン酢&ロービーサラダ [Combo] Refreshing Chicken & Cabbage Ponzu Stir-Fry + Roast Beef Salad
タンパク質&ビタミン&ミネラル重視!ローストビーフサラダを一緒にヘルシーだけどリッチな気分!贅沢な相盛りを堪能してください! Loaded with protein, vitamins and minerals! The roast beef salad makes a healthy yet rich addition! Enjoy this luxurious combo.
【相盛】牛肉3種炒め&ロービーサラダ [Combo] 3 Kinds of Beef Stir-Fry + Roast Beef Salad
タンパク質と脂質重視!3種の牛肉を旨味重視のタレで。ローストビーフも加わって牛肉4種!申し分無し贅沢な相盛りです! Gives you plenty of healthy protein and fat! 3 cuts of beef with delicious sauce. Add the roast beef salad to make that 4! An unbeatable, luxurious combo!
【相盛】牛肉と鶏肉の高たんぱく炒め&ロービーサラダ [Combo] Beef & Chicken Protein-Rich Stir-Fry + Roast Beef Salad
タンパク質&脂質&ビタミン&ミネラルぜ~んぶ摂取!高タンパクな鶏肉!ジューシーな牛肉で脂質も忘れず。赤身の美味しさを堪能できるローストビーフを新鮮野菜と一緒に。バランスと満足感感じる相盛。 Loaded with all the protein, vitamins and minerals you could need! Protein-rich chicken! And don’t forget the juicy, fatty beef. Enjoy lean beef too with the roast beef salad, full of fresh vegetables. This combo is satisfying and well-balanced.
【相盛】ヘルシーチキンポン酢炒め&ロービーサラダ [Combo] Healthy Chicken Ponzu Stir-Fry + Roast Beef Salad
高タンパク質&ビタミン&ミネラルぜ~んぶ摂取!高タンパクな鶏肉のみをたっぷり摂取シャキシャキ新鮮野菜と一緒に。程良いバランスと満足感感じる相盛。 Loaded with all the protein, vitamins and minerals you could need! Enjoy this protein-rich chicken with plenty of fresh, crunchy vegetables. This combo is satisfying and well-balanced.
【麺なし】野菜たっぷり豚骨ラーメン [No Noodles] Tonkotsu Ramen with Lots of Veg
新感覚!麺なしラーメン?!濃厚なトンコツスープにキャベツ・もやし・にらの野菜たっぷり360g!豚バラでお肉の旨味もプラスして、満腹感は充分! A brand new sensation! Ramen without noodles?! Enjoy 360g of vegetables including cabbage, beansprouts and chives in a rich pork bone soup. The final addition of delicious pork rib makes this one satisfying dish!
【麺なし】【辛みそ】野菜たっぷり豚骨ラーメン [No Noodles] [Spicy Miso] Tonkotsu Ramen with Lots of Veg
新感覚!麺なしラーメン?!濃厚なトンコツスープにアクセントでピリッと辛味噌追加!キャベツ・もやし・にらの野菜はたっぷり360g!辛味噌で体もポカポカな1品 A brand new sensation! Ramen without noodles?! The rich pork bone soup is accented with spicy miso! Enjoy a generous 360g of vegetables including cabbage, beansprouts and chives! The spicy miso in this dish is sure to warm you up.
【麺なし】【味玉】野菜豚骨ラーメン [No Noodles] [Marinated Boiled Egg] Tonkotsu Ramen with Veg
新感覚!麺なしラーメン?!濃厚なトンコツスープにキャベツ・もやし・にらの野菜。たっぷり360g!味玉追加でタンパク質もプラス! A brand new sensation! Ramen without noodles?! Enjoy a generous 360g of vegetables including cabbage, beansprouts and chives in a rich pork bone soup! A marinated boiled egg makes a great, protein-rich addition!
【麺なし】【辛みそ】【味玉】野菜豚骨ラーメン [No Noodles] [Spicy Miso] [Marinated Boiled Egg] Tonkotsu Ramen with Veg
新感覚!麺なしラーメン?!濃厚なトンコツスープにアクセントでピリッと辛味噌追加!キャベツ・もやし・にらの野菜はたっぷり360g!タンパク質も補える味玉もご一緒に。 A brand new sensation! Ramen without noodles?! The rich pork bone soup is accented with spicy miso! Enjoy a generous 360g of vegetables including cabbage, beansprouts and chives! A marinated boiled egg makes a great, protein-rich addition.
【麺なし】野菜たっぷり醤油ラーメン [No Noodles] Soy Sauce Ramen with Lots of Veg
新感覚!麺なしラーメン?!あっさりダシ香る醤油スープにキャベツ・もやし・にらの野菜たっぷり360g!豚バラでお肉の旨味もプラスして、満腹感は充分! A brand new sensation! Ramen without noodles?! Enjoy a generous 360g of vegetables including cabbage, beansprouts and chives in a light, fragrant dashi and soy sauce-based soup. The final addition of delicious pork rib makes this one satisfying dish!
【麺なし】【辛みそ】野菜たっぷり醤油ラーメン [No Noodles] [Spicy Miso] Soy Sauce Ramen with Lots of Veg
新感覚!麺なしラーメン?!あっさりダシ香る醤油スープにアクセントでピリッと辛味噌追加!キャベツ・もやし・にらの野菜はたっぷり360g!辛味噌で体もポカポカな1品 A brand new sensation! Ramen without noodles?! The light, fragrant dashi and soy sauce soup is accented with spicy miso! Enjoy a generous 360g of vegetables including cabbage, beansprouts and chives! The spicy miso in this dish is sure to warm you up.
【麺なし】【味玉】野菜醤油ラーメン [No Noodles] [Marinated Boiled Egg] Soy Sauce Ramen with Veg
新感覚!麺なしラーメン?!あっさりダシ香る醤油スープにキャベツ・もやし・にらの野菜。たっぷり360g!味玉追加でタンパク質もプラス! A brand new sensation! Ramen without noodles?! Enjoy a generous 360g of vegetables including cabbage, beansprouts and chives in a light, fragrant dashi and soy sauce-based soup. A marinated boiled egg makes a great, protein-rich addition!
【麺なし】【辛みそ】【味玉】野菜醤油ラーメン [No Noodles] [Spicy Miso] [Marinated Boiled Egg] Soy Sauce Ramen with Veg
新感覚!麺なしラーメン?!あっさりダシ香る醤油スープにアクセントでピリッと辛味噌追加!キャベツ・もやし・にらの野菜はたっぷり360g!タンパク質も補える味玉もご一緒に。 A brand new sensation! Ramen without noodles?! The light, fragrant dashi and soy sauce soup is accented with spicy miso! Enjoy a generous 360g of vegetables including cabbage, beansprouts and chives! A marinated boiled egg makes a great, protein-rich addition.
【麺なし】野菜たっぷり味噌ラーメン [No Noodles] Miso Ramen with Lots of Veg
新感覚!麺なしラーメン?!コク旨な味噌スープにキャベツ・もやし・にらの野菜たっぷり360g!豚バラでお肉の旨味もプラスして、満腹感は充分! A brand new sensation! Ramen without noodles?! Enjoy a generous 360g of vegetables including cabbage, beansprouts and chives in a deep and flavorful miso soup! The final addition of delicious pork rib makes this one satisfying dish!
【麺なし】【辛みそ】野菜たっぷり味噌ラーメン [No Noodles] [Spicy Miso] Miso Ramen with Lots of Veg
新感覚!麺なしラーメン?!コク旨な味噌スープにアクセントでピリッと辛味噌追加!キャベツ・もやし・にらの野菜はたっぷり360g!辛味噌で体もポカポカな1品 A brand new sensation! Ramen without noodles?! The deep and flavorful miso soup is accented with spicy miso! Enjoy a generous 360g of vegetables including cabbage, beansprouts and chives! The spicy miso in this dish is sure to warm you up.
【麺なし】【味玉】野菜味噌ラーメン [No Noodles] [Marinated Boiled Egg] Miso Ramen with Veg
新感覚!麺なしラーメン?!コク旨な味噌スープにキャベツ・もやし・にらの野菜。たっぷり360g!味玉追加でタンパク質もプラス! A brand new sensation! Ramen without noodles?! Enjoy a generous 360g of vegetables including cabbage, beansprouts and chives in a deep and flavorful miso soup! A marinated boiled egg makes a great, protein-rich addition!
【麺なし】【辛みそ】【味玉】野菜味噌ラーメン [No Noodles] [Spicy Miso] [Marinated Boiled Egg] Miso Ramen with Veg
新感覚!麺なしラーメン?!コク旨な味噌スープにアクセントでピリッと辛味噌追加!キャベツ・もやし・にらの野菜はたっぷり360g!タンパク質も補える味玉もご一緒に。 A brand new sensation! Ramen without noodles?! The deep and flavorful miso soup is accented with spicy miso! Enjoy a generous 360g of vegetables including cabbage, beansprouts and chives! A marinated boiled egg makes a great, protein-rich addition.
(単品)味玉 (Single Item) Marinated Boiled Egg
必須アミノ酸がバランス良く含まれ、タンパク質も豊富。もう少し…物足りない時に。 Contains a good balance of essential amino acids, as well as being rich in protein. For when you just need a little something more...
ちょっとだけご飯(小150g) Just A Little Rice (Small, 150g)
お茶碗半分くらいの白ご飯・・。まずは量を減らすところから始めてもいいんじゃない? Enough rice to about half-fill a bowl. Cutting down on portion size is a good place to start, don’t you think?
今日が最後のご飯(200g) Last Rice for Today (200g)
これでしばらくは食べ納め!しっかりお茶碗1杯分!これが最後! This will keep your stomach quiet for a while! Enough to fill one bowl. Make this your last for today!
キムチ Kimchi
ピリ辛のコク旨キムチ! Spicy and deep-flavored kimchi!
ポテトサラダ Potato Salad
ほくほくしっとり優しい味わいのポテトサラダです。具材たっぷりの定番ポテトサラダ。 Soft and crumbly potato salad with a mild flavor. The classic potato salad made with plenty of great ingredients.
からあげ単品3個入り Fried Chicken Single Item (Includes 3)
サクッとジューシーな自慢の唐揚げをお楽しみください! Enjoy this crisp and juicy fried chicken, our pride and joy!
からあげ単品5個入り Fried Chicken Single Item (Includes 5)
サクッとジューシーな自慢の唐揚げをお楽しみください! Enjoy this crisp and juicy fried chicken, our pride and joy!
コーン野菜サラダ Sweet Corn & Vegetable Salad
コーンたっぷりフレッシュ野菜サラダ! Salad with lots of sweet corn and fresh vegetables!
みそ汁 Miso Soup
やっぱり美味しいお味噌汁。ご一緒にいかがですか。 Delicious miso soup, always reliable. How about a bowl to go with your meal?
コカ・コーラ(500ml) Coca-Cola (500ml)
烏龍茶(2L) Oolong Tea (2L)
からだすこやか茶W(350ml) Karada Sukoyakacha Double (350ml)
綾鷹 茶葉のあまみ(525ml) Ayataka ‘Sweetness of Tea Leaves’ (525ml)
ミニッツメイドオレンジ(350ml) Minute Maid Orange (350ml)
(特保)コカ・コーラ プラス [Officially Designated Healthy] Coca-Cola Plus
免責事項: Menu-Pricesは、オンサイト訪問、ビジネスWebサイト、電話インタビューなどのソースから実際の価格情報を収集します。 このWebページで報告される価格は、これらのソースの1つまたは複数に由来します。 当然、このウェブサイトで報告される価格は最新のものではなく、特定のビジネスブランドのすべての場所に適用されるわけではありません。 現在の価格を取得するには、関心のある個々のビジネス拠点に連絡してください。
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