韓丼渋谷店 KANDON Shibuya メニュー価格 (JP)
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温玉カルビ丼 <肉1人前> Soft-Boiled Egg and Kalbi Rice Bowl (1 Serving)
食欲そそる甘辛ダレをかけたカルビ丼!とろ〜り玉子でさらにおいしくまろやかに。 Our appetizing sweet and salty kalbi sauce is paired with a runny soft-boiled egg to make a more mild, yet incredibly delicious rice bowl.
豚キムチスン豆腐 Pork and Kimchi with Silken Tofu
毎日手づくりする自家製の調味料と丁寧にとった出汁でお豆腐と豚肉を煮込んだ栄養価バツグンのヘルシー&ビューティーフード『豚キムチスン豆腐』。女性ホルモンの働きを助ける大豆イソフラボンや新陳代謝を高める効果のあるカプサイシン、お肌にいいコラーゲンがたっぷり含まれています。もちろんスタミナ効果もバッチリ!なので疲れの溜まった男性にもオススメです。★ライスは別売りです。 ★具材は2倍にできません。We use our special stock that is made daily with a unique blend of seasonings to slowly simmer this dish made with tofu and pork. This amazing combination is both very healthy and great for one's beauty! It is full of soy bean isoflavones to help balance female hormones, capsaicin to boost metabolism, and collagen for healthy skin. Of course, it is als
上てっちゃん丼 <肉1.5人前> Premium Innards Rice Bowl (1.5 Servings)
プリップリの上てっちゃんを韓丼料理研究家さっちゃん秘伝の味噌ダレで揉みこみます。香ばしくジューシーに焼き上げた上テッチャン丼にリピーター続出!お肉は1.5人前に増量してます… This dish is made with plump, high quality innards that are seasoned with a secret miso sauce developed by a scientist of Korean rice bowls known as Sa-chan! Its incredible juiciness and wonderful fragrance always makes it one of our best selling items! This dish is made with 1.5 servings of meat.
カルビ丼 <肉1人前> Kalbi Rice Bowl (1 Serving)
京都名物!韓丼のカルビ丼。秘伝のタレを絡ませて強火で一気に焼きあげるカルビ丼は香ばしくてジューシー! A Kyoto specialty: the Korean-style kalbi rice bowl! Our juicy kalbi is grilled using a high flame and seasoned with a secret sauce to make this incredibly fragrant rice bowl!
上ハラミ丼 Premium Skirt Steak Rice Bowl
ハラミのおいしいところを韓丼料理研究家さっちゃん秘伝の味噌ダレで揉みこみます。香ばしくジューシーに焼き上げた絶品上ハラミ丼! This dish is made with a delicious piece of skirt steak that is seasoned with a secret miso sauce developed by a scientist of Korean rice bowls known as Sa-chan!
丼 Rice Bowl
カルビ丼 <肉1人前> Kalbi Rice Bowl (1 Serving) (丼 Rice Bowl)
京都名物!韓丼のカルビ丼。秘伝のタレを絡ませて強火で一気に焼きあげるカルビ丼は香ばしくてジューシー! A Kyoto specialty: the Korean-style kalbi rice bowl! Our juicy kalbi is grilled using a high flame and seasoned with a secret sauce to make this incredibly fragrant rice bowl!
カルビ丼 <肉1.5人前> Kalbi Rice Bowl (1.5 Servings)
京都名物!韓丼のカルビ丼。秘伝のタレを絡ませて強火で一気に焼きあげるカルビ丼は香ばしくてジューシー!お肉は1.5人前に増量してます。 A Kyoto specialty: the Korean-style kalbi rice bowl! Our juicy kalbi is grilled using a high flame and seasoned with a secret sauce to make this incredibly fragrant rice bowl! This dish is made with 1.5 servings of meat.
カルビ丼 <肉2人前> Kalbi Rice Bowl (2 Servings)
京都名物!韓丼のカルビ丼。秘伝のタレを絡ませて強火で一気に焼きあげるカルビ丼は香ばしくてジューシー!お肉は2人前に増量してます。 A Kyoto specialty: the Korean-style kalbi rice bowl! Our juicy kalbi is grilled using a high flame and seasoned with a secret sauce to make this incredibly fragrant rice bowl! This dish is made with 2 servings of meat.
キムチカルビ丼 <肉1人前> Kimchi Kalbi Rice Bowl (1 Serving)
カルビ丼に相性抜群のキムチをトッピング。秘伝のタレとキムチの辛さはやみつきです。 This kalbi rice bowl is made with the incredible combination of our secret sauce and spicy kimchi. You won't be able to get enough of it!
キムチカルビ丼 <肉1.5人前> Kimchi Kalbi Rice Bowl (1.5 Servings)
カルビ丼に相性抜群のキムチをトッピング。秘伝のタレとキムチの辛さはやみつきです。お肉は1.5人前に増量してます。 This kalbi rice bowl is made with the incredible combination of our secret sauce and spicy kimchi. You won't be able to get enough of it! This dish is made with 1.5 servings of meat.
キムチカルビ丼 <肉2人前> Kimchi Kalbi Rice Bowl (2 Servings)
カルビ丼に相性抜群のキムチをトッピング。秘伝のタレとキムチの辛さはやみつきです。お肉は2人前に増量してます。 This kalbi rice bowl is made with the incredible combination of our secret sauce and spicy kimchi. You won't be able to get enough of it! This dish is made with 2 servings of meat.
温玉カルビ丼 <肉1人前> Soft-Boiled Egg and Kalbi Rice Bowl (1 Serving) (丼 Rice Bowl)
食欲そそる甘辛ダレをかけたカルビ丼!とろ〜り玉子でさらにおいしくまろやかに。 Our appetizing sweet and salty kalbi sauce is paired with a runny soft-boiled egg to make a more mild, yet incredibly delicious rice bowl.
温玉カルビ丼 <肉1.5人前> Soft-Boiled Egg and Kalbi Rice Bowl (1.5 Servings)
食欲そそる甘辛ダレをかけたカルビ丼!とろ〜り玉子でさらにおいしくまろやかに。お肉は1.5人前に増量してます。 Our appetizing sweet and salty kalbi sauce is paired with a runny soft-boiled egg to make a more mild, yet incredibly delicious rice bowl. This dish is made with 1.5 servings of meat.
温玉カルビ丼 <肉2人前> Soft-Boiled Egg and Kalbi Rice Bowl (2 Servings)
食欲そそる甘辛ダレをかけたカルビ丼!とろ〜り玉子でさらにおいしくまろやかに。お肉は2人前に増量してます。 Our appetizing sweet and salty kalbi sauce is paired with a runny soft-boiled egg to make a more mild, yet incredibly delicious rice bowl. This dish is made with 2 servings of meat.
上てっちゃん丼 Premium Innards Rice Bowl
プリップリの上てっちゃんを韓丼料理研究家さっちゃん秘伝の味噌ダレで揉みこみます。香ばしくジューシーに焼き上げた上テッチャン丼にリピーター続出! This dish is made with plump, high quality innards that are seasoned with a secret miso sauce developed by a scientist of Korean rice bowls known as Sa-chan! Its incredible juiciness and wonderful fragrance always makes it one of our best selling items!
上てっちゃん丼 <肉1.5人前> Premium Innards Rice Bowl (1.5 Servings) (丼 Rice Bowl)
プリップリの上てっちゃんを韓丼料理研究家さっちゃん秘伝の味噌ダレで揉みこみます。香ばしくジューシーに焼き上げた上テッチャン丼にリピーター続出!お肉は1.5人前に増量してます… This dish is made with plump, high quality innards that are seasoned with a secret miso sauce developed by a scientist of Korean rice bowls known as Sa-chan! Its incredible juiciness and wonderful fragrance always makes it one of our best selling items! This dish is made with 1.5 servings of meat.
上カルビ丼 Premium Kalbi Rice Bowl
いつもよりちょっと贅沢したい時に。リッチなカルビはいかがですか?肉厚のカルビを秘伝のタレを絡ませて強火で一気に焼き上げて香ばしくてジューシー。 This luxurious kalbi rice bowl is just the thing you need for when you decide to treat yourself a little bit. This meaty kalbi is made with our secret sauce and is grilled on a high flame until it is unbelievably juicy and incredibly fragrant.
上ハラミ丼 Premium Skirt Steak Rice Bowl (丼 Rice Bowl)
ハラミのおいしいところを韓丼料理研究家さっちゃん秘伝の味噌ダレで揉みこみます。香ばしくジューシーに焼き上げた絶品上ハラミ丼! This dish is made with a delicious piece of skirt steak that is seasoned with a secret miso sauce developed by a scientist of Korean rice bowls known as Sa-chan!
スン豆腐 Silken Tofu
ホルモンスン豆腐 Innards and Silken Tofu
毎日手づくりする自家製の調味料と丁寧にとった出汁でお豆腐とホルモンを煮込んだ栄養価バツグンのヘルシー&ビューティーフード『ホルモンスン豆腐』。女性ホルモンの働きを助ける大豆イソフラボンや新陳代謝を高める効果のあるカプサイシン、お肌にいいコラーゲンがたっぷり含まれています。もちろんスタミナ効果もバッチリ!なので疲れの溜まった男性にもオススメです。★ライスは別売りです。 We use our specially seasoned stock that is made daily to slowly simmer this dish made with tofu and innards. This amazing combination is both very healthy and great for one's beauty! It is full of soy bean isoflavones to help balance female hormones, capsaicin to boost metabolism, and collagen for healthy skin. Of course, it is also great for building stamina as
海鮮スン豆腐 Seafood and Silken Tofu
毎日手づくりする自家製の調味料と丁寧にとった出汁でお豆腐とアサリを煮込んだ栄養価バツグンのヘルシー&ビューティーフード『海鮮スン豆腐』。女性ホルモンの働きを助ける大豆イソフラボンや新陳代謝を高める効果のあるカプサイシン、お肌にいいコラーゲンがたっぷり含まれています。もちろんスタミナ効果もバッチリ!なので疲れの溜まった男性にもオススメです。★ライスは別売りです。 We use our special stock that is made daily with a unique blend of seasonings to slowly simmer this dish made with manila clams. This amazing combination is both very healthy and great for one's beauty! It is full of soy bean isoflavones to help balance female hormones, capsaicin to boost metabolism, and collagen for healthy skin. Of course, it is also great for bui
豚キムチスン豆腐 Pork and Kimchi with Silken Tofu (スン豆腐 Silken Tofu)
毎日手づくりする自家製の調味料と丁寧にとった出汁でお豆腐と豚肉を煮込んだ栄養価バツグンのヘルシー&ビューティーフード『豚キムチスン豆腐』。女性ホルモンの働きを助ける大豆イソフラボンや新陳代謝を高める効果のあるカプサイシン、お肌にいいコラーゲンがたっぷり含まれています。もちろんスタミナ効果もバッチリ!なので疲れの溜まった男性にもオススメです。★ライスは別売りです。 ★具材は2倍にできません。We use our special stock that is made daily with a unique blend of seasonings to slowly simmer this dish made with tofu and pork. This amazing combination is both very healthy and great for one's beauty! It is full of soy bean isoflavones to help balance female hormones, capsaicin to boost metabolism, and collagen for healthy skin. Of course, it is als
免責事項: Menu-Pricesは、オンサイト訪問、ビジネスWebサイト、電話インタビューなどのソースから実際の価格情報を収集します。 このWebページで報告される価格は、これらのソースの1つまたは複数に由来します。 当然、このウェブサイトで報告される価格は最新のものではなく、特定のビジネスブランドのすべての場所に適用されるわけではありません。 現在の価格を取得するには、関心のある個々のビジネス拠点に連絡してください。
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