華匯苑 本格中華料理・点心 KAKAIEN Chinese Cuisine and Dim Sum メニュー価格 (JP)
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8(166) 262-7060
Picked For You
上海風醤油チャーハン 上海酱油炒飯 Shanghai-Style Soy Sauce Fried Rice
お醤油が香ばしく効いた上海名物のチャーハン♪もう普段のチャーハンでは満足できない方にオススメです! This famous Shanghai-style fried rice is seasoned with a fragrant soy sauce! It's perfect for those who want something more than your average fried rice!
中華丼 Chinese-Style Rice Bowl
実は日本発祥の中華丼!本場の中華シェフが作れば味も一層美味しいです!野菜あんかけたっぷりでどうぞ♪ This Chinese-style rice bowl was actually invented in Japan! Our authentic Chinese chef adds his own twist to it and gives it a whole new layer of flavor! Please enjoy it with a generous amount of our vegetable starchy sauce.
一品料理・定食 A La Carte and Set Meals
名物!本格四川麻婆豆腐 [Famous!] Authentic Sichuan-Style Mapo Tofu
本場四川出身のシェフが作るスパイスが香ばしく効いたアツアツの麻婆豆腐!当店自慢の一品です!辛さを選んでどうぞ♪ This piping hot genuine mapo tofu is made by our very own chef from Sichuan! They use a blend of fragrant spices that we're quite proud of! Be sure to make it spicy!
青椒肉絲 Green Pepper and Pork Stir-Fry
中華料理定番の一品!野菜と豚肉でバランス良し!ご飯がどんどん進みます! A Chinese classic! It's made with the perfect balance of vegetables and pork! You just might have to get a second order of rice!
魚香肉絲 Yuxiang Shredded Pork
"魚"が名前に入っていますが、千切り豚肉とお野菜のピリ辛炒めです♪ The name has the character for "fish" in it, but this dish is actually a stir-fry made with spicy shredded pork and vegetables!
エビチリ 干焼虾仁 Shrimp with Chili Sauce
中華といえばエビチリ。エビたくさん入れちゃいました! This dish is what everyone thinks of when they hear "Chinese food". We made sure to put plenty of shrimp in it!
ホイコーロ 回鍋肉 Twice Cooked Pork
秘伝のタレで仕上げました!シャキシャキ野菜とたっぷりお肉でがっつりどうぞ! This dish is made with our secret recipe sauce! We hope you enjoy the generous amount of meat and the crisp vegetables!
酢豚 咕咾肉 Sweet and Sour Pork
甘酸っぱくて食べ応えのある酢豚!程よい酸味なのでご飯にもぴったり♪ This sweet and sour pork has a delicious flavor and is sure to fill you up! It also has the perfect amount of acidity, so it pairs perfectly with rice!
から揚げ 炸鶏块 Fried Chicken
自家製の10年間変わらない味が皆様から愛されています♪(6コ) Everyone loves our secret recipe for this dish. It hasn't changed in over 10 years! (6 pieces).
料理長のおすすめ♪ 油淋鶏 ゆーりんちー Chef's Recommended Yurinchi Chicken
自家製のさっぱりとした甘酸っぱいソースが掛かったから中華風の鶏肉から揚げです♪ This Chinese-style fried chicken is covered in a refreshing homemade sweet and sour sauce!
水煮牛肉 Shuizhu Beef
四川の名物料理♪ビリリッと辛くて香ばしい本場の味をどうぞ! A famous Sichuan dish! We hope you enjoy its authentic spicy flavor!
ご飯・麺 Rice and Noodles
蟹レタスチャーハン Crab and Lettuce Fried Rice
しゃきしゃきレタスと蟹のボリューミーで贅沢なチャーハン♪ The crispy lettuce and filling crab make this fried rice quite luxurious!
上海風醤油チャーハン 上海酱油炒飯 Shanghai-Style Soy Sauce Fried Rice (ご飯・麺 Rice and Noodles)
お醤油が香ばしく効いた上海名物のチャーハン♪もう普段のチャーハンでは満足できない方にオススメです! This famous Shanghai-style fried rice is seasoned with a fragrant soy sauce! It's perfect for those who want something more than your average fried rice!
中華丼 Chinese-Style Rice Bowl (ご飯・麺 Rice and Noodles)
実は日本発祥の中華丼!本場の中華シェフが作れば味も一層美味しいです!野菜あんかけたっぷりでどうぞ♪ This Chinese-style rice bowl was actually invented in Japan! Our authentic Chinese chef adds his own twist to it and gives it a whole new layer of flavor! Please enjoy it with a generous amount of our vegetable starchy sauce.
白ご飯 White Rice
美味しいご飯で料理も一層進みます♪ Even simple rice can add so much flavor to a dish!
冷菜・前菜 Chilled Dishes and Appetizers
ピリ辛ミミガー 香辣猪耳 Spicy Pig Ears
ピリ辛で食感が楽しめるお料理です♪ This spicy dish has a wonderful texture!
セロリーとピーナッツのさっぱり和え 西芹花生米 Simple Celery and Peanut Salad
セロリーの食感とピーナッツの香ばしさがシンプルだけど美味しいです♪ This simple, yet delicious salad is made with crunchy celery and fragrant peanuts!
バンバンジー 棒棒鶏 Bang Bang Chicken
蒸した鶏肉に自家製の濃厚なタレをかけました♪ This steamed chicken is topped with a rich homemade sauce!
手作り点心 Handmade Dim Sum
葱パイ 葱油饼 (2コ) Scallion Pancakes (2)
何層にもなった生地が自慢の葱パイです!注文が入ってから点心のシェフが一つずつ丁寧に作っています♪(写真の半分サイズが2コ入ってます♪) Our special homemade scallion pancakes has more layers than you can count! Our dim sum chef makes each one of these pancakes by hand right after you order them! (The picture shows a half order, which includes 2 pancakes).
葱まん 花卷 (2コ) Scallion Buns (2)
葱の香ばしさが最大限に活かされた葱まんです。もちもちの皮がお料理とも抜群に合います! These scallion buns bring out the aroma of the scallions to a whole new level. The chewy bread also goes well with a variety of our dishes!
大きなニラ揚げ餃子 韭菜盒子(1コ) Large Fried Chinese Chive Gyoza Dumplings
もちもちの皮にニラと卵がたっぷり詰まった揚げ焼き餃子♪中華名物です! These deep-fried gyoza dumplings are filled with plenty of Chinese chives and eggs that are then wrapped up in a chewy dumpling skin! It's a Chinese classic!
黒ごま団子(1コ) Black Sesame Dumpling (1)
珍しい黒ごまの餡です♪小豆餡とは一味違った風味をご賞味下さい♪ You don't see dumplings filled with black sesame very often! It's a bit different than the usual sweet bean paste filled dumplings! We hope you give them a try!
トッピング・タレ Toppings and Sauces
自家製辛味噌(辛め) Homemade Spicy Miso (Spicy)
自家製の唐辛子などがたっぷり入った辣油です。お店ではお代わりする方が後を絶ちません!本場の辛い辛味噌です! Our homemade chili oil is made with plenty of spicy chilies. You won't keep you from ordering seconds of this delicious and authentic spicy miso!
老干媽 ラオガンマー(1瓶) Lao Gan Ma (1 Bottle)
中国秘伝の辛くて香ばしい調味料。万能なこの味を是非一度お試しくださいませ♪ A spicy Chinese seasoning that is made with a secret recipe. Please give this all-purpose sauce a try sometime!
镇江香醋 黒酢(1瓶) Zhenjiang Black Vinegar (1 Bottle)
中国ではからしの代わりに肉まんや点心につけて食べるのが基本です♪ラー油との相性も抜群です! In China, they use this vinegar instead of mustard when enjoying meat buns and dim sum! It goes very well with chili oil!
香菜(パクチー) Cilantro
中華との相性抜群なお野菜♪たっぷりな量でお届けします♪ This herb pairs very nicely with many Chinese dishes! We'll make sure to send you plenty!
ドリンク Drinks
加多宝/王老吉(冷茶) Wong Lo Kat (Chilled)
昔から身体に良いとされている中国の冷茶。脂の多い中華料理と抜群なほんのり甘い漢方茶♪ This sweet chilled herbal tea has been enjoyed as a healthy drink for many years. It pairs perfectly with fatty Chinese dishes!
椰奶・ココナッツミルク Coconut Milk
中国風のココナッツミルク。濃厚で少し甘い味わいがみんなに大人気です♪ A Chinese coconut milk. It's rich and mildly sweet flavor makes it incredibly popular!
100%オレンジジュース (200ml) 100% Orange Juice (200ml)
紙パックのオレンジジュースです♪ A carton of delicious orange juice.
免責事項: Menu-Pricesは、オンサイト訪問、ビジネスWebサイト、電話インタビューなどのソースから実際の価格情報を収集します。 このWebページで報告される価格は、これらのソースの1つまたは複数に由来します。 当然、このウェブサイトで報告される価格は最新のものではなく、特定のビジネスブランドのすべての場所に適用されるわけではありません。 現在の価格を取得するには、関心のある個々のビジネス拠点に連絡してください。
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