兄夫食堂 渋谷 Hyoungboo Shibuya Restaurant メニュー価格 (JP)
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あなたが見ています 兄夫食堂 渋谷 Hyoungboo Shibuya Restaurant (JP) によって確認された価格 Menu-Prices 次の場所で:
渋谷区 道玄坂 2-15-1,
8(135) 728-7097
Picked For You
サムゲタンライス付き Samgyetang Rice set
ひな鶏のお腹にもち米、高麗人参、なつめ、ニンニクなどを詰め込み、漢方薬剤入れじっくり煮込んだ栄養たっぷりの逸品!夏冬問わず、スタミナ付けや風邪予防に効果あり! A young chicken is stuffed with sticky rice, ginseng, and Chinese dates, then simmered in a herbal soup to make this incredibly nutritious dish! Whether its summer or winter, this dish will give you a boost of stamina while also preventing colds!
スン豆腐チゲライス付き Silken Tofu Jjigae Rice set
魚介スープベースに絹ごし豆腐を使ってクリーミでトロ〜としたなめらかな食感が美味しいを連発させる! A seafood soup is mixed with silken tofu to make a thick, creamy stew with a smooth texture and a delicious flavor!
サムギョプサルセット サンチュ付き Samgyeopsal Set (Includes Korean Lettuce)
香ばしく焼いた豚バラ肉とサンチュもやしのナムル青唐辛子にんにく焼いた玉ねぎセットに!こま塩に付けて食べると宇宙が広がる! Pork ribs are grilled until delightfully fragrant and then served with our Korean lettuce, bean sprout namul, and grilled onions and garlic as a set! Try it with some fine salt to make it even tastier!
コムタンライス付き Komtang& rice
トッポッキ Tteokbokki
お餅と蒲鉾、太めのうどんを特製辛味噌で炒めた逸品!チーズとの相性が抜群!!トッピングオススメ! These rice cakes are stir-fried with fish cakes, thick udon noodles, and a special spicy miso to make this tasty dish! It is even better if you add cheese!
サムギョプサル丼 Samgyeopsal Rice Bowl
豚のバラ肉をこんがりと香ばしく焼いてから特製ソースに絡めた焼き肉弁当の最高峰!!ガーリックの効いたネギ塩味もオススメ! This incredibly delicious bento box is made with pork ribs that are grilled until wonderfully fragrant, then coated in our special sauce!! We recommend trying it with our salty garlic and green onion topping!
豚カルビ丼 Pork Kalbi Rice Bowl
やわらかい肩ロースを自家製甘だれに漬け込んで強火で香ばしく焼いた一品! Pork loin is soaked in our sweet homemade marinade and grilled on a high flame until incredibly fragrant!
豚トロ丼 Pork Jowl Rice Bowl
歯ごたえのある豚トロと自家製特製辛口との相性は抜群!!ご飯すすむ!ガーリックが効いてネギ塩味もオススメ! The wonderful texture of this pork jowl and the spicy homemade marinade that it is soaked in make for an incredibly tasty dish that goes very well with rice! We recommend trying it with our salty garlic and green onion topping!
ビビンバ Bibimbap
お野菜のナムルがたくさん!!彩り良し、味良し!! This bibimbap is served with plenty of our vegetable namul! It is a tasty feast for both your eyes and your taste buds!!
石焼ビビンバ Stone Grilled Bibimbap
こんがりと香ばしくおこげがたまらない! (卵と野菜は混ぜてあります)The wonderful fragrance of the burnt rice is irresistible!
チャプチェ丼 Japchae Rice Bowl
コシのある春雨と玉ねぎ人参ニラ長ネギきくらげピーマンなどを自家製甘醤油ダレに炒めた一品。 Chewy glass noodles are stir-fried along with onions, carrots, Chinese chives, leeks, cloud ear mushrooms, green peppers, and our sweet homemade soy-based sauce.
ブルゴギ丼 Bulgogi Rice Bowl
脂身の少ない牛肉をたくさんのお野菜と炒めた逸品特製の丼タレをかけてご飯一緒にいただく。牛丼屋の物と比べないで、、、。 Delicious pieces of lean beef are stir-fried with a variety of vegetables and served with rice and our special rice bowl sauce. Please don't compare it to your average beef rice bowl!
豚キムチ丼 Kimchi Pork Rice Bowl
自家製キムチと脂身がうまいバラ肉をバランスよく炒めた逸品!ご飯がすすむ! This stir-fry has an incredible balance of our tasty homemade kimchi and delicious fatty pork ribs. It also goes very well with rice!
ジェュック丼 Jeyuk Rice Bowl
脂身の少ないロース部分とお野菜を自家製辛口ソースで炒めた逸品!ご飯と共にビールもすすむ! A lean cut of pork loin is stir-fried with vegetables and our spicy homemade sauce to make a dish that goes well with both rice and beer!
イカ丼 Squid Rice Bowl
スルメイカとお野菜を自家製辛口ソースで炒めた逸品の一品! Japanese squid and vegetables are stir-fried with our spicy homemade sauce to make this tasty dish!
鶏カルビ丼 Chicken Kalbi Rice Bowl
弾力のある鶏もも肉を特製の旨辛ソースに炒めたもの。 Plump chicken thighs are stir-fried with our special spicy sauce to make this wonderful dish.
キムチチャーハン Kimchi Fried Rice
自家製キムチを食べやすく刻み、玉ねぎで甘味を出して、特製ソースでパラパラと仕上げた逸品!半熟目玉焼きとの相性がたまらない!! This fried rice is made with our finely minced homemade kimchi, which is stir-fried with our special sauce and onions to bring out its sweetness. It also pairs very nicely with the soft-boiled egg that it comes with!!
野菜チャーハン Vegetable Fried Rice
溶き卵を入れ野菜とご飯炒めて、最後に特製ソースを焦がして芳ばしさを効かせた逸品の一品! Beaten eggs, vegetables, and rice are stir-fried together, then at the very end, we add our special sauce and let it caramelize just a bit to create a wonderful, sweet aroma!
ブルゴギ丼 Bulgogi Rice Bowl (丼)
脂身の少ない牛肉をたくさんのお野菜と炒めた逸品特製の丼タレをかけてご飯一緒にいただく。牛丼屋の物と比べないで、、、。 Delicious pieces of lean beef are stir-fried with a variety of vegetables and served with rice and our special rice bowl sauce. Please don't compare it to your average beef rice bowl!
コプチャン弁当 Gopchang Bento Box
もっちりした食感の中には野菜たっぷりのすごいヘルシーで具もいっぱい! Chewy beef intestines, vegetables, and a variety of other ingredients are used to make this incredibly healthy dish!
モリモリMIX弁当 Overflowing Mixed Bento Box
豚トロ,サムギョップサル,鶏カルビ,韓国味付きのり,ライス大盛3種類のお肉をこんがり焼いて甘辛の自家製ソース絡めた焼き肉弁の集大成!!肉のボリュームたっぷりで、ご飯大盛は必須!! This massive bento box comes with 3 kind of delicious grilled meat (pork jowl, samgyeopsal, and chicken kalbi), Korean nori seaweed, and a large serving of rice! There's so much meat in this bento box, you are going to need the extra rice!
塩味モリモリMIX弁当 Salted Overflowing Mixed Bento Box
豚トロ,サムギョップサル,牛カルビ,韓国味付きのり,ライス大盛。 This massive bento box comes with 3 kind of delicious grilled meat (pork jowl, samgyeopsal, and beef kalbi), Korean nori seaweed, and a large serving of rice.
豚モリモリMIX弁当 Overflowing Mixed Pork Bento Box
ジェュック炒め,サムギョプサル,豚トロ,韓国味付きのり,ライス大盛。 This massive bento box comes with 3 kind of delicious grilled meat (jeyuk, samgyeopsal, and pork jowl), Korean nori seaweed, and a large serving of rice.
牛モリモリMIX弁当 Overflowing Mixed Beef Bento Box
コプチャン,ブルゴギ,韓国味付きのり,ライス大盛。 This bento box comes with gopchang, bulgogi, Korean nori seaweed, and a large serving of rice.
中落カルビ Rib Finger Kalbi
あばらの隙間の希少なお肉、売り切れ御免! We apologize if we run out of this scarce cut of delicious, fatty meat!
スン豆腐チゲライス付き Silken Tofu Jjigae Rice set (スープ)
魚介スープベースに絹ごし豆腐を使ってクリーミでトロ〜としたなめらかな食感が美味しいを連発させる! A seafood soup is mixed with silken tofu to make a thick, creamy stew with a smooth texture and a delicious flavor!
味噌チゲライス付き Miso Jjigae Rice set
韓国産の旨味つよいお味噌を使った、誰にでも好かれる優しいお味! We use a Korean miso to make a wonderful soup with a gentle flavor that anyone can enjoy!
ユッケジャンライス付き Yukgaejang Rice set
牛肉から取った出汁をベースにネギ、大根、ゼンマイ、もやし、にらなど野菜をたっぷり入れ、さっぱりしたピリ辛味の後を引く美味しさがたまらない! A beef soup is cooked with green onions, daikon radish, Asian royal ferns, bean sprouts, and Chinese chives to make a delicious soup with a refreshing, yet spicy flavor with a wonderful aftertaste!
キムチチゲライス付き Kimchi Jjigae Rice set
自家製キムチを使っているから味に自信あり!!豚肉、豆腐などを一緒にに煮込んだスープ! This soup is made with pork, tofu, and our homemade kimchi, so you can bet it is delicious!!
サムゲタンライス付き Samgyetang Rice set (スープ)
ひな鶏のお腹にもち米、高麗人参、なつめ、ニンニクなどを詰め込み、漢方薬剤入れじっくり煮込んだ栄養たっぷりの逸品!夏冬問わず、スタミナ付けや風邪予防に効果あり! A young chicken is stuffed with sticky rice, ginseng, and Chinese dates, then simmered in a herbal soup to make this incredibly nutritious dish! Whether its summer or winter, this dish will give you a boost of stamina while also preventing colds!
コムタンライス付き Gomtang Rice set
牛の骨をひたすら煮込む30時間以上!!コッテリながらアッサリとした絶品!! This soup is made with nothing but beef bones that have been simmered for over 30 hours! While it may be a thick, rich soup, it also has a very refreshing flavor!!
冷麺 Chilled Noodles
コムタンライス付き Komtang& rice (スープ)
海鮮チヂミ Seafood Korean Pancake (チヂミ)
小ねぎやお野菜を秘伝の割合で小麦粉とミックスしいか、エビ、あさりなどたくさんの海鮮とよく練りサクッと焼いた逸品! Shrimp, manila clams, and a variety of other kinds of seafood are kneaded into a batter that uses our secret ratio of green onions, vegetables, and flour to make this crisp, delicious Korean-style pancake!
海鮮チヂミ Seafood Korean Pancake
小ねぎやお野菜を秘伝の割合で小麦粉とミックスしいか、エビ、あさりなどたくさんの海鮮とよく練りサクッと焼いた逸品! Shrimp, manila clams, and a variety of other kinds of seafood are kneaded into a batter that uses our secret ratio of green onions, vegetables, and flour to make this crisp, delicious Korean-style pancake!
キムチチヂミ Kimchi Korean Pancake (チヂミ)
自家製キムチと秘伝の割合でミックスした小麦粉を卵などを入れよく練り、こんがり焼いた逸品!チーズトッピング超オススメ! We use our secret ratio of our homemade kimchi, flour, and eggs to make this delicious Korean-style pancake! You have to try it with cheese!
キムチチヂミ Kimchi Korean Pancake
自家製キムチと秘伝の割合でミックスした小麦粉を卵などを入れよく練り、こんがり焼いた逸品!チーズトッピング超オススメ! We use our secret ratio of our homemade kimchi, flour, and eggs to make this delicious Korean-style pancake! You have to try it with cheese!
ブルゴギチーズチヂミ Bulgogi and Cheese Korean Pancake
海鮮チヂミベースにチーズと焦がしながら炒めた自家製プルゴギをトッピングした逸品何処のピザ屋さん比べても、勝てる自身あり!!! A seafood Korean-style pancake is topped with cheese and grilled until it is nice and brown, then we add our homemade bulgogi on top! It's like a Korean-style pizza, and we're certain that it will beat any every other pizzeria around!!!
トッポッキ Tteokbokki (一品)
お餅と蒲鉾、太めのうどんを特製辛味噌で炒めた逸品!チーズとの相性が抜群!!トッピングオススメ! These rice cakes are stir-fried with fish cakes, thick udon noodles, and a special spicy miso to make this tasty dish! It is even better if you add cheese!
ボッサム Bossam (一品)
豚のバラ肉を薬剤入れじっくり煮込みとろけそうな食感が最高。特製の大根キムチと塩漬けした白菜と包んで食べると宇宙が広がる! These pork ribs are carefully simmered with herbs until it seems like they will fall apart just by picking them up! You can also make this dish even tastier by trying it with our special daikon radish kimchi and our pickled Chinese cabbage!
ボッサム Bossam
豚のバラ肉を薬剤入れじっくり煮込みとろけそうな食感が最高。特製の大根キムチと塩漬けした白菜と包んで食べると宇宙が広がる! These pork ribs are carefully simmered with herbs until it seems like they will fall apart just by picking them up! You can also make this dish even tastier by trying it with our special daikon radish kimchi and our pickled Chinese cabbage!
サムギョプサルセット サンチュ付き Samgyeopsal Set (Includes Korean Lettuce) (一品)
香ばしく焼いた豚バラ肉とサンチュもやしのナムル青唐辛子にんにく焼いた玉ねぎセットに!こま塩に付けて食べると宇宙が広がる! Pork ribs are grilled until delightfully fragrant and then served with our Korean lettuce, bean sprout namul, and grilled onions and garlic as a set! Try it with some fine salt to make it even tastier!
チーズタッカルビ Cheese Dak Kalbi
弾力のある鶏もも肉を特製の旨辛ソースに炒め、相性抜群のチーズをたっぷりかけた自慢の一品! Plump chicken thighs are stir-fried with our special spicy sauce and topped with a generous amount of delicious melted cheese!
イイタコ炒め Octopus Stir-Fry
ぷるんぷるん歯ごたえのイイタコを辛味噌で炒めた逸品。 Pieces of plump, tasty octopus are stir-fried with our spicy miso.
ライス Rice
ナムル盛り合わせAssorted Namul (サイド)
豆もやし、大根、青葉、ゼンマイの4種類のナムルの盛り合わせ。Platter of 4types of namul including soybeans,radish,green leaves,osmund.
ナムル盛り合わせAssorted Namul
豆もやし、大根、青葉、ゼンマイの4種類のナムルの盛り合わせ。Platter of 4types of namul including soybeans,radish,green leaves,osmund.
キムチセット Kimchi Set
キムチ100g Kimchi (100g)
チャンジャ Pickles Cod Innards
韓国のり Korean Nori Seaweed
ぶどうジュース Grape Juice
梨ジュース Asian Pear Juice
トウモロコシひげちゃ Corn Silk Tea
カナダドライ ジンジャーエール 500ml
コカ・コーラ 500ml
コカ・コーラ 500ml (ドリンク)
免責事項: Menu-Pricesは、オンサイト訪問、ビジネスWebサイト、電話インタビューなどのソースから実際の価格情報を収集します。 このWebページで報告される価格は、これらのソースの1つまたは複数に由来します。 当然、このウェブサイトで報告される価格は最新のものではなく、特定のビジネスブランドのすべての場所に適用されるわけではありません。 現在の価格を取得するには、関心のある個々のビジネス拠点に連絡してください。
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