Home Made Tempting Sandwiches मेनू मूल्य (IN)
सत्यापित मूल्यMenu-Prices के साथ संबद्ध नहीं है Home Made Tempting Sandwiches (IN)
अनुभाग पर जाएं प्रदर्शन
आप देख रहे हैं Home Made Tempting Sandwiches (IN) द्वारा पुष्टि की गई कीमतें Menu-Prices निम्न स्थान पर:
Shivbagh Rd,
में दिखाई गई कीमतें:
Luscious Paneer Sandwich
With butter, chutney, and cheese.
Mashed Potatoes Sandwich
With olives, corn, and cheese.
Spicy Chicken (Halal) Sandwich with Mayonnaise
Piquant Potato Sandwich
With butter, chutney, sauce, and cheese.
Delish Neat Plain Chutney Sandwich
Veg Sandwiches
Delish Neat Plain Chutney Sandwich (Veg Sandwiches)
Plain Chutney Sandwich
With cheese.
Piquant Potato Sandwich with Sauce and Butter
Piquant Potato Sandwich (Veg Sandwiches)
With butter, chutney, sauce, and cheese.
Mashed Potatoes Sandwich (Veg Sandwiches)
With olives, corn, and cheese.
Potatoes Sandwich
With cheese.
Yummy Sugary Sandwich
With jam, dates, and honey.
Tasty Veggies Sandwich
With butter and spicy chutney.
Yum Yum Chilli Cheese Sandwich
Schezwan Sandwich
With butter, chutney, and cheese.
Corn, Carrots, and Methi Leaves Delight Sandwich
With butter, chutney, and cheese.
Luscious Paneer Sandwich (Veg Sandwiches)
With butter, chutney, and cheese.
Enticing Mushrooms Sandwich
With butter, chutney, and cheese.
Non Veg Sandwiches
Plain Scrambled Eggs Sandwich
With cheese.
Alluring Scrambled Eggs Masala Sandwich
Zesty Mashed Eggs Sandwich
With mayonnaise.
Simple Eggs Omelette Sandwich
With butter and cheese.
Yummy Eggs Omelette Sandwich
With butter, cheese, and olives.
Reviving Eggs Omelette Sandwich
With onions, chillies, and cheese.
Majedaar Mayonnaise Chicken (Halal) Sandwich
Spicy Chicken (Halal) Sandwich with Mayonnaise (Non Veg Sandwiches)
Spicy Chicken (Halal) Sandwich with Cheese
Fascinating Chicken and Eggs Sandwich
With cheese.
Vitalizing Salami Sandwich
With raw veggies, cheese, chicken salami, ham, and sausages.
Delightful Salami Sandwich
With chicken bits, cheese slices, chicken salami, ham, and sausages.
Blend of Salami Sandwich
With eggs, raw veggies, cheese slices, chicken salami, ham, and sausages.
Tasty Salamis Sandwich
With eggs, chicken bits, cheese slices, chicken salami, ham, and sausages.
Dainty Ham Sandwich
With raw veggies, cheese slices, chicken salami, ham, and sausages.
Scrumptious Ham Sandwich
With chicken bits, cheese slices, chicken salami, ham, and sausages.
Medley of Ham Sandwich
With eggs, raw veggies, cheese slices, chicken salami, ham, and sausages.
Savoury of Ham Sandwich
With eggs, chicken bits, cheese slices, chicken salami, ham, and sausages.
Chicken Sausages Sandwich
With eggs, chicken bits, cheese slices, chicken salami, ham, and sausages.
Delicious Sausages Sandwich
With eggs, cheese slices, chicken salami, ham, and sausages.
अस्वीकरण: Menu-Prices ऑन-साइट विज़िट, व्यावसायिक वेबसाइट और फ़ोन साक्षात्कार जैसे स्रोतों से वास्तविक मूल्य निर्धारण जानकारी एकत्र करता है। इस वेबपृष्ठ पर रिपोर्ट की गई कीमतें उन स्रोतों में से एक या अधिक से प्राप्त होती हैं। स्वाभाविक रूप से, इस वेबसाइट पर बताई गई कीमतें वर्तमान नहीं हो सकती हैं, और किसी दिए गए व्यवसाय ब्रांड के सभी स्थानों पर लागू नहीं हो सकती हैं। वर्तमान मूल्य निर्धारण प्राप्त करने के लिए, आप के लिए व्यक्तिगत व्यावसायिक स्थान से संपर्क करें।
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