博多から揚げ専門店 しあわせ揚げゆ鳥 HAKATA japanese Fried Chiken Speciality Shop Shiawaseage Yutori メニュー価格 (JP)
確認価格Menu-Pricesはに関連付けられていません 博多から揚げ専門店 しあわせ揚げゆ鳥 HAKATA japanese Fried Chiken Speciality Shop Shiawaseage Yutori (JP)
あなたが見ています 博多から揚げ専門店 しあわせ揚げゆ鳥 HAKATA japanese Fried Chiken Speciality Shop Shiawaseage Yutori (JP) によって確認された価格 Menu-Prices 次の場所で:
4 Chome-1-34 Katakasu, Hakata-ku,
8(192) 415-5971
Picked For You
スペシャル弁当 Special Bento Box
沢山食べたい方にオススメの贅沢弁当メンチカツ1個チキン南蛮2個ゆ鳥の唐揚げ2個 Luxurious bento box with 1 piece of minced meat cutlet, 2 pieces of fried chicken with vinegar and tartar sauce, and Yutori fried chicken recommended for those who want to eat a lot.
チキン南蛮弁当 (自家製タルタルソース付き)Fried Chicken with Vinegar and tartarSauce Bento Box
カリカリサクサクな衣に自慢の南蛮たれをたっぷりしみ込ませて、さっぱりと仕上げております。さらに自家製タルタルソースをかけて至福のひと時をお楽しみください。 Crispy batter smothered in our store's proud Namban sauce, with a refreshing finish. Enjoy a moment of bliss by adding our homemade tartar sauce.
たれ唐タルタル丼 Fried Chicken with Sauce and Tartar Rice Bowl
自信作のたれ唐揚げと自家製タルタルソースとの相性は抜群で食べ過ぎてしまいます。 A well paired fried chicken made with original sauce and homemade tartar sauce that will make you eat a lot.
たれ唐マヨ丼 Fried Chicken with Sauce and Mayonnaise Rice Bowl
自信作のたれ唐揚げを丼にしてマヨネーズをたっぷりかけました。甘み旨みコクを一緒にどうぞ(唐揚げ4個入り) Fried chicken made with homemade sauce rice bowl topped with lots of mayonnaise. Enjoy the rich and sweet delicious flavors (with 4 pieces of fried chicken).
メイン Main
ゆ鳥の唐揚げ 4個 Yutori's Fried Chicken
数十種類のスパイス、野菜などを独自にブレンドしたタレに厳選した鶏肉を丸一日以上じっくりと漬け込み低温熟成させているため、まろやかで、さらに味わい深く、噛みしめると肉の旨みが口中に広がり一度食べたら忘れられない味に仕上げた自慢の一品です。4個入り。※こちらの商品に野菜等は付いておりません。 You will never forget the taste of our store's proud dish once you eat it. It has a rich and mellow flavor, and meat packed with flavor that will spread inside your mouth. It is made with several different kinds of spices, selected meat marinated and aged with homemade blend sauce with vegetables. With 4 pieces. *Vegetable is not included in the menu.
たれ唐揚げ4個 Fried Chicken with Sauce
当店自慢のゆ鳥の唐揚げに開店以来注ぎ足してきた芳醇なたれをからめた贅沢な一品です。※こちらの商品に野菜等は付いておりません。 Luxurious dish made with our store's pride Yutori fried chicken with luxurious and rich sauce which has been popular since our store opening. *Vegetable is not included in the menu.
激辛スパイシー唐揚げ 4個 Hot and Spicy Fried Chicken
ゆ鳥の唐揚げに自家製のスパイシーソースをかけた鮮烈な辛さとスパイス感溢れる一品です。※こちらの商品に野菜等は付いておりません。 It is a dish made with Yutori's fried chicken topped with a striking hot and spicy homemade spicy sauce. *Vegetable is not included in the menu.
激辛スパイシーたれ唐揚げ 4個 Hot and Spicy and Teriyaki Fried Chicken with Sauce
ゆ鳥の唐揚げに濃厚旨辛なスパイシーたれがたっぷりで旨さと辛さのハーモニーをご堪能下さい。リピート覚悟の一品です。※こちらの商品に野菜等は付いておりません。 Enjoy the delicious and spicy harmony of Yutori's fried chicken with lots of rich and spicy sauce. A dish popular with our regulars. *Vegetable is not included in the menu.
スタミナにんにく塩唐揚げ 4個 Salt and Garlic Stamina Fried Chicken
細かくすりおろしたにんにくをたっぷり入れて、なおかつ衣には黒ゴマを入れて香ばしさをプラスして風味にもこだわった一品です。疲れた時や頑張りたい時におすすめです。 A selected dish with lots of finely grated garlic, with batter mixed with black sesame to increase aroma. Recommended when you're tired or when you need that extra kick of energy.
ゆず塩唐揚げ 4個 Salt and Yuzu Fried Chicken
福岡県産の厳選した無農薬ゆずを丸ごとふんだんに使用しておりますのでさっぱり何個でも召し上がって頂けるおすすめの逸品です。As we use plentiful pesticide-free Yuzu selected from Fukuoka prefecture abundantly,it is a recommended gem that you can eat as much as you want
丸ごとにんにく唐揚げ(4個入り)Whole garlic on the chicken
プレミアム手羽先 Premium Chicken Wings
ゆ鳥の唐揚げは厳選した鶏肉を使用しており、さらにオリジナルの漬けたれの相乗効果で抜群の旨みを実現できておりますが、こちらの商品は厳選、さらに厳選を重ねこだわり抜いた大きめの手羽先を使用の為数量限定で売り切れ御免となっております。唐揚げとはまた違ったジューシーさをお楽しみください。あればラッキーな一品。 Yutori's fried chicken is made with selected chicken meat, and you can experience the delicious combination of it with the original sauce. This dish is carefully selected, and we use selected large wings, which makes it a limited menu. Enjoy the different juiciness of this fried chicken. You're lucky if this dish is available.
超激辛スパイシー唐揚げ 4個 Super Hot and Spicy Fried Chicken
超×2激辛スパイシー唐揚げ4個 Super Extra Hot and Spicy Fried Chicken
プレミアム手羽先 1本 Premium Chicken Wings
Yutori's fried chicken is made with selected chicken meat, and you can experience the delicious combination of it with the original sauce. This dish is carefully selected, and we use selected large wings, which makes it a limited menu. Enjoy the different juiciness of this fried chicken. You're lucky if this dish is available.
チキンバー Chicken Bar
手羽先の一番最高な部分を食べやすくカットしており、そのままで十分美味しくお召し上がりになれますが、さらにトッピングでお気に入りの味をみつけてみられては?(4~5本入り)※基本は塩味です。 We cut the best part of chicken wings to make it easier to eat, you can enjoy it as-is, but how about adding toppings to create your preferred flavor? (with 4-5 wings) ※Usually served in salt flavor.
なんこつ揚げ Fried Cartilage
希少なひざ軟骨ですが、当店使用の軟骨はさらに肉付きの良い極めて希少な軟骨になります。味に格段の差が出ますので、ひざ軟骨をお召し上がりになられたことがある方はその差をご実感頂けると思います。この機会にぜひ一度ご賞味ください。※基本は塩味です。 Although it is a rare knee cartilage portion, our store uses cartilage with more meat, which makes it an even more rare cartilage. Those who have eaten knee cartilage before can notice the difference because it has a remarkable difference in the taste. Please take this opportunity to taste it. ※Usually served in salt flavor.
塩レモン唐揚げ 4個 Salt and Lemon Fried Chicken
弁当、丼 Bento, Bowl
ゆ鳥のお試しサービス弁当(ゆ鳥の唐揚げ3個入り) (弁当、丼 Bento, Bowl)
ゆ鳥の唐揚げ弁当 (唐揚げ4個入り) Yutori's Fried Chicken Bento Box (4 Pieces of Fried Chicken)
数十種類のスパイス、野菜などを独自にブレンドしたタレに厳選した鶏肉を丸一日以上じっくりと漬け込み低温熟成させているため、まろやかで、さらに味わい深く、噛みしめると肉の旨みが口中に広がり一度食べたら忘れられない味に仕上がった自慢の一品のお弁当です(唐揚げ4個入り) You will never forget the taste of our store's proud bento box once you eat it. It has a rich and mellow flavor, and meat packed with flavor that will spread inside your mouth. It is made with several different kinds of spices, selected meat marinated and aged with homemade blend sauce with vegetables (with 4 pieces of fried chicken).
ゆ鳥の唐揚げ弁当 (唐揚げ4個入り) Yutori's Fried Chicken Bento Box (4 Pieces of Fried Chicken) (弁当、丼 Bento, Bowl)
数十種類のスパイス、野菜などを独自にブレンドしたタレに厳選した鶏肉を丸一日以上じっくりと漬け込み低温熟成させているため、まろやかで、さらに味わい深く、噛みしめると肉の旨みが口中に広がり一度食べたら忘れられない味に仕上がった自慢の一品のお弁当です(唐揚げ4個入り) You will never forget the taste of our store's proud bento box once you eat it. It has a rich and mellow flavor, and meat packed with flavor that will spread inside your mouth. It is made with several different kinds of spices, selected meat marinated and aged with homemade blend sauce with vegetables (with 4 pieces of fried chicken).
たれ唐揚げ弁当 (唐揚げ4個入り)Fried Chicken with Sauce Bento Box
当店自慢のゆ鳥の唐揚げに開店以来注ぎ足してきた芳醇なたれをからめた贅沢な一品です(唐揚げ4個入り) Luxurious dish made with our store's proud Yutori fried chicken with luxurious and rich sauce which has been popular since our store opening (with 4 pieces of fried chicken).
たれ唐揚げ弁当 (唐揚げ4個入り)Fried Chicken with Sauce Bento Box (弁当、丼 Bento, Bowl)
当店自慢のゆ鳥の唐揚げに開店以来注ぎ足してきた芳醇なたれをからめた贅沢な一品です(唐揚げ4個入り) Luxurious dish made with our store's proud Yutori fried chicken with luxurious and rich sauce which has been popular since our store opening (with 4 pieces of fried chicken).
激辛スパイシー唐揚げ弁当(唐揚げ4個入り) Hot and Spicy Fried Chicken Bento Box
ゆ鳥の唐揚げに濃厚旨辛なスパイシーたれがたっぷりで旨さと辛さのハーモニーをご堪能下さい。リピート覚悟の一品のお弁当です(唐揚げ4個入り) Enjoy the delicious and spicy harmony of Yutori's fried chicken with lots of rich and spicy sauce. A bento box popular with regulars (with 4 pieces of fried chicken).
激辛スパイシーたれ唐揚げ弁当(唐揚げ4個入り) Hot and Spicy and TeriyakiFried Chicken Bento Box
ゆ鳥の唐揚げに濃厚旨辛なスパイシーたれがたっぷりで旨さと辛さのハーモニーをご堪能下さい。リピート覚悟の一品です。 Enjoy the delicious and spicy harmony of Yutori's fried chicken with lots of rich and spicy sauce. A dish popular with our regulars.
激辛スパイシーたれ唐揚げ弁当(唐揚げ4個入り) Hot and Spicy and TeriyakiFried Chicken Bento Box (弁当、丼 Bento, Bowl)
ゆ鳥の唐揚げに濃厚旨辛なスパイシーたれがたっぷりで旨さと辛さのハーモニーをご堪能下さい。リピート覚悟の一品です。 Enjoy the delicious and spicy harmony of Yutori's fried chicken with lots of rich and spicy sauce. A dish popular with our regulars.
にんにく塩唐揚げ弁当(唐揚げ4個入り) Garlic Salt Fried Chicken Bento Box
細かくすりおろしたにんにくをたっぷり入れて、なおかつ衣には黒ゴマを入れて香ばしさをプラスして風味にもこだわった一品です。疲れた時や頑張りたい時におすすめです(唐揚げ4個入り) A selected dish with lots of finely grated garlic, with batter mixed with black sesame to increase aroma. Recommended when you're tired or when you need that extra kick of energy (with 4 pieces of fried chicken).
ゆず塩唐揚げ弁当(から揚げ4個入り) Salt and Yuzu Fried Chicken Bento Box
福岡県産の厳選した無農薬ゆずを丸ごとふんだんに使用しておりますのでさっぱり何個でも召し上がって頂けるおすすめの逸品です。 As we use plentiful pesticide-free Yuzu selected from Fukuoka prefecture abundantly,it is a recommended gen that you can eat as much as you want
丸ごとにんにく唐揚げ弁当(4個入り)Whole garlic on the chicken Bento Box
チキン南蛮弁当 (自家製タルタルソース付き)Fried Chicken with Vinegar and tartarSauce Bento Box (弁当、丼 Bento, Bowl)
カリカリサクサクな衣に自慢の南蛮たれをたっぷりしみ込ませて、さっぱりと仕上げております。さらに自家製タルタルソースをかけて至福のひと時をお楽しみください。 Crispy batter smothered in our store's proud Namban sauce, with a refreshing finish. Enjoy a moment of bliss by adding our homemade tartar sauce.
とり天弁当 Chicken Tempura Bento Box
カリカリな衣とさっぱり天だしの相性の良さに衝撃を受けることと思います。 You will be shocked by the goodness of the combination of crispy batter and refreshing tempura stock.
ロース豚カツ弁当 Pork Loin Cutlet Bento Box
サクッとした衣を噛むと続いてふんわりした肉の柔らかさと旨みの詰まった香りがお口に広がります。 When you take a bite, it's crispy on the outside, with soft meat packed with rich flavors on the inside.
たれ唐マヨ丼 Fried Chicken with Sauce and Mayonnaise Rice Bowl (弁当、丼 Bento, Bowl)
自信作のたれ唐揚げを丼にしてマヨネーズをたっぷりかけました。甘み旨みコクを一緒にどうぞ(唐揚げ4個入り) Fried chicken made with homemade sauce rice bowl topped with lots of mayonnaise. Enjoy the rich and sweet delicious flavors (with 4 pieces of fried chicken).
たれ唐タルタル丼 Fried Chicken with Sauce and Tartar Rice Bowl (弁当、丼 Bento, Bowl)
自信作のたれ唐揚げと自家製タルタルソースとの相性は抜群で食べ過ぎてしまいます。 A well paired fried chicken made with original sauce and homemade tartar sauce that will make you eat a lot.
激辛スパイシーたれ唐揚げ丼 Hot and Spicy and Teriyaki Fried Chicken with Sauce Rice Bowl
スパイシーたれ唐揚げを丼にしました。ご飯ともいい関係です。 Spicy fried chicken with sauce made into a rice bowl. Pairs well with rice.
唐揚げカレー Fried Chicken Curry
玉ねぎのうまみがきいた熟成カレーを唐揚げとともに(唐揚げ2個入り) Aged curry with the deliciousness of onion and added with fried chicken (with 2 pieces of fried chicken).
チキン南蛮丼 (自家製タルタルソース付き)Fried Chicken with Vinegar and tartarSauce Rice Bowl
カリカリサクサクな衣に自慢の南蛮たれをたっぷりしみ込ませて、さっぱりと仕上げております。さらに自家製タルタルソースをかけて至福のひと時をお楽しみください。 Crispy batter smothered in our store's proud Namban sauce, with a refreshing finish. Enjoy a moment of bliss by adding our homemade tartar sauce.
BIGソース豚カツ丼 (Big Source Pork Cutlet Bowl)
塩レモン唐揚げ弁当(から揚げ4個入り) Salt and Lemon Fried Chicken Bento Box
贅沢弁当 Special Bento
ミックスフライ弁当 Mixed Fry Bento Box
沢山食べたい方にオススメの贅沢弁当ゆ鳥の唐揚げ2個とり天2個チキンカツ2個。自家製さっぱり天だし付き。 Luxurious bento box with 2 pieces of Yutori fried chicken, 2 pieces of chicken tempura, and 2 pieces of chicken cutlet recommended for those who want to eat a lot.
ミックスフライ弁当 Mixed Fry Bento Box (贅沢弁当 Special Bento)
沢山食べたい方にオススメの贅沢弁当ゆ鳥の唐揚げ2個とり天2個チキンカツ2個。自家製さっぱり天だし付き。 Luxurious bento box with 2 pieces of Yutori fried chicken, 2 pieces of chicken tempura, and 2 pieces of chicken cutlet recommended for those who want to eat a lot.
スペシャル弁当 Special Bento Box (贅沢弁当 Special Bento)
沢山食べたい方にオススメの贅沢弁当メンチカツ1個チキン南蛮2個ゆ鳥の唐揚げ2個 Luxurious bento box with 1 piece of minced meat cutlet, 2 pieces of fried chicken with vinegar and tartar sauce, and Yutori fried chicken recommended for those who want to eat a lot.
デラックス弁当 Deluxe Bento Box
沢山食べたい方にオススメの贅沢弁当 ロース豚カツとゆ鳥の唐揚げ2個。 Luxurious bento box with pork loin cutlet and 2 pieces of Yutori fried chicken recommended for those who want to eat a lot.
免責事項: Menu-Pricesは、オンサイト訪問、ビジネスWebサイト、電話インタビューなどのソースから実際の価格情報を収集します。 このWebページで報告される価格は、これらのソースの1つまたは複数に由来します。 当然、このウェブサイトで報告される価格は最新のものではなく、特定のビジネスブランドのすべての場所に適用されるわけではありません。 現在の価格を取得するには、関心のある個々のビジネス拠点に連絡してください。
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