元祖うなぎ釜めし 川長 Ganso Unagi kamameshi kawacho メニュー価格 (JP)
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あなたが見ています 元祖うなぎ釜めし 川長 Ganso Unagi kamameshi kawacho (JP) によって確認された価格 Menu-Prices の1つ以上の場所で Japan
かしわ釜めし Chicken Kettle Rice
昔ながらのしょうゆ味と、照り焼き風の甘辛タレの二種類の味からお選びいただけます!シンプルisベストな釜めしの王道!温玉トッピングがおすすめ!人参、筍、椎茸が入ります。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! You can choose between two delicious flavors: classic soy sauce or teriyaki-style sauce! This kettle rice dish shows that sometimes, simple is the best way to go! We recommend topping it with a soft-boiled egg as well! It is also made with carrots, bamboo shoots, and shiitake mushrooms. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller
かに釜めし Crab Kettle Rice
かに好きにはたまらない!風味とコクを心行くまでご堪能ください。人参、筍、椎茸が入ります。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! Those that love crab won't be able to get enough of this dish! Please enjoy its rich flavor to your hearts content. It is also made with carrots, bamboo shoots, and shiitake mushrooms. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller meals!
山菜釜めし Wild Vegetable Kettle Rice
山菜をふんだんに使用した女性に人気の釜めし!山の幸の芳香が食欲を掻き立てます。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! This kettle rice dish is made with plenty of wild vegetables and is very popular among women! The aroma of the mountain vegetables will really stir your appetite. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller meals!
野菜釜めし Vegetable Kettle Rice
人参、筍、椎茸にグリンピースといんげんが入ったヘルシーな釜めし!温玉トッピングがおすすめ!釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! This healthy kettle rice is made with carrots, bamboo shoots, green peas, and green beans! We recommend topping it with a soft-boiled egg! Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller meals!
えび釜めし Shrimp Kettle Rice
旨味のある花エビを贅沢に4尾使って炊き上げます!人参、筍、椎茸が入ります。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! This kettle rice is made with four incredibly delicious sakuraebi shrimp, carrots, bamboo shoots, and shiitake mushrooms. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller meals!
うなぎ釜めし Eel Kettle Rice
元祖うなぎ釜め(半身) Ganso Eel Kettle Rice (Half Eel)
Uber Eatsだけのお値打ちメニュー!蒲焼きにしたうなぎをご飯と一緒に蒸し上げ、秘伝のタレで味付けしました。お好みで薬味を乗せてお召し上がりください。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! This dish is available for a great price only through Uber Eats! This sauce grilled eel is steamed along with rice and seasoned with our secret sauce! Please enjoy it with your choice of condiments. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller meals!
元祖うなぎ釜めし(一尾)Ganso Eel Kettle Rice (1 Eel)
蒲焼きにしたうなぎをご飯と一緒に蒸し上げ、秘伝のタレで味付けした川長の看板メニュー!お好みで薬味を乗せてお召し上がりください。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! This featured item of our is made with sauce grilled eel that is steamed along with rice and seasoned with our secret sauce! Please enjoy it with your choice of condiments. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller meals!
元祖うなぎ釜めし(中詰め) Ganso Eel Kettle Rice (Packed Full)
うなぎが中詰めで二層になった超セレブメニュー!!お好みで薬味を乗せてお召し上がりください。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! This luxurious eel kettle rice is fit for a celebrity and packed full with two whole layers of eel!! Please enjoy it with your choice of condiments. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller meals!
季節の釜めし Seasonal Kettle Rice
冬の釜めし・牡蠣(かき)の釜めし Winter Kettle Rice
旬を味わう逸品!広島産の生牡蠣を使い極上の"牡蠣飯"を!!季節ごとの味わいを一年中楽しめます。【春】・・1.桜鯛と筍 2.山菜と帆立 【夏】・・さざえ【秋】・・松茸【冬】・・牡蠣。※予告なく変更になる場合があります。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! This dish matches the flavors of each and every season, but is available year round. [Spring]: 1. Sakura anthias and bamboo shoots. 2. Wild vegetable and scallops. [Summer]: Horned turban. [Fall]: Matsutake mushroom. [Winter]: Oyster. ※ This dish can change without any prior notice. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big
夏の釜めし・さざえの釜めし Summer Kettle Rice
旬を味わう逸品!季節ごとの味わいを一年中楽しめます。【春】・・1.桜鯛と筍 2.山菜と帆立 【夏】・・さざえ【秋】・・松茸【冬】・・牡蠣。※予告なく変更になる場合があります。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! This dish matches the flavors of each and every season, but is available year round. [Spring]: 1. Sakura anthias and bamboo shoots. 2. Wild vegetable and scallops. [Summer]: Horned turban. [Fall]: Matsutake mushroom. [Winter]: Oyster. ※ This dish can change without any prior notice. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller
炊き込み釜めし Kettle Rice
かしわ釜めし Chicken Kettle Rice (炊き込み釜めし Kettle Rice)
昔ながらのしょうゆ味と、照り焼き風の甘辛タレの二種類の味からお選びいただけます!シンプルisベストな釜めしの王道!温玉トッピングがおすすめ!人参、筍、椎茸が入ります。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! You can choose between two delicious flavors: classic soy sauce or teriyaki-style sauce! This kettle rice dish shows that sometimes, simple is the best way to go! We recommend topping it with a soft-boiled egg as well! It is also made with carrots, bamboo shoots, and shiitake mushrooms. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller
五目釜めし Mixed Kettle Rice
色々な味を一度に楽しめるコスパ高し!!な逸品!!人参、筍、椎茸が入ります。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! This kettle rice lets you enjoy an incredible amount of flavors at a wonderful price!! It is also made with carrots, bamboo shoots, and shiitake mushrooms. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller meals!
たこ釜めし Octopus Kettle Rice
プリっとしたタコの食感が最高です。人参、筍、椎茸が入ります。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! The plump texture of the octopus is irresistible. This kettle rice is also made with carrots, bamboo shoots, and shiitake mushrooms. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller meals!
えび釜めし Shrimp Kettle Rice (炊き込み釜めし Kettle Rice)
旨味のある花エビを贅沢に4尾使って炊き上げます!人参、筍、椎茸が入ります。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! This kettle rice is made with four incredibly delicious sakuraebi shrimp, carrots, bamboo shoots, and shiitake mushrooms. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller meals!
かに釜めし Crab Kettle Rice (炊き込み釜めし Kettle Rice)
かに好きにはたまらない!風味とコクを心行くまでご堪能ください。人参、筍、椎茸が入ります。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! Those that love crab won't be able to get enough of this dish! Please enjoy its rich flavor to your hearts content. It is also made with carrots, bamboo shoots, and shiitake mushrooms. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller meals!
鯛釜めし Sea Bream Kettle Rice
丁寧にほぐした鯛の身と一緒に炊き上げた食欲をそそる鯛めし!人参、筍、椎茸が入ります。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! This kettle rice is gently steamed along with small pieces of sea bream, carrots, bamboo shoots, and shiitake mushrooms to create an incredibly appetizing meal. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller meals!
山菜釜めし Wild Vegetable Kettle Rice (炊き込み釜めし Kettle Rice)
山菜をふんだんに使用した女性に人気の釜めし!山の幸の芳香が食欲を掻き立てます。釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! This kettle rice dish is made with plenty of wild vegetables and is very popular among women! The aroma of the mountain vegetables will really stir your appetite. Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller meals!
野菜釜めし Vegetable Kettle Rice (炊き込み釜めし Kettle Rice)
人参、筍、椎茸にグリンピースといんげんが入ったヘルシーな釜めし!温玉トッピングがおすすめ!釜めしはおいしく炊けるにこだわってご飯は約550g!がっつり一食でも2食に分けても楽しめます! This healthy kettle rice is made with carrots, bamboo shoots, green peas, and green beans! We recommend topping it with a soft-boiled egg! Our kettle rice dishes are all made with 550g of delicious, carefully selected rice! That's enough for one big feast or two smaller meals!
免責事項: Menu-Pricesは、オンサイト訪問、ビジネスWebサイト、電話インタビューなどのソースから実際の価格情報を収集します。 このWebページで報告される価格は、これらのソースの1つまたは複数に由来します。 当然、このウェブサイトで報告される価格は最新のものではなく、特定のビジネスブランドのすべての場所に適用されるわけではありません。 現在の価格を取得するには、関心のある個々のビジネス拠点に連絡してください。
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