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田舎 Country Style Japanese Sweets
菜種油を使って揚げた生地に、深い甘みのある三温糖を絡め、 機械を一切使わずに全て手作業で丹精込めて仕上げた、これぞ“本格派”のかりんとう。昔ながらの手作り味は、創業以来半世紀以上の長きにわたって愛されてきました。内容量:100g。 A piece of dough fried in rapeseed oil that gets its rich sweetness from unrefined sugar. Our classic style of this confection is made completely by the hands of our hard workers without the aid of any machine. The flavor of handmade treats is where our business began over half a century ago and it has been enjoyed ever since. Product weight: 100g.
四季の羽二重餅 4 Season Japanese Silk Mochi
きめの細かい羽二重餅に、ゆず、梅肉、黒糖を加え、ほんのりと風味が広がる優しい甘さに仕上げました。天然着色料を使用しているので、どなた様も安心してお召し上がりいただけます。季節の移ろいに応じて箱のデザインが変わります。内容量:10本。 Mochi with a texture as fine as silk is flavored with yuzu, shredded plum, and brown sugar to create a gentle flavor and a subtle sweetness. Only natural food colorants are used, so everyone can put their minds at ease when eating this item. The design of the packaging of this item changes with the seasons. One box: 10 confections.
月 Moon Shrimp Rice Crackers
せんべい一枚ごとに新鮮な海老を一尾ずつ丸ごと使い、旨味を逃がさないようにじっくりと焼き上げました。鮮度の高い海老を使って焼き上げたからこその鮮やかな朱色が食欲をそそります。発売以来30有余年、変わらぬ味を今に伝え続ける職人の心意気が光る逸品です。内容量:60g。 Every one of our rice crackers has an entire shrimp in it, and in order to not lose all of the shrimp's flavor, we bake them very carefully. Also, since the shrimp we use are so fresh, they turn the crackers into a very appetizing shade of red. Our workers do their best to pour their passion into making sure that our rice crackers are just as good as the ones that our shop sold over 30 years ago. Product weight: 60
海老穂の菓(大) Shrimp Rice Cracker Gift Box (Large)
遠州屋自慢の海老せんべい「月」を中心に、人気の海老せんべいとあられを15種類詰め合わせた遠州屋オリジナルギフト。落ち着いた色味の箱入りギフトなので、慶事・弔事問わずにお使いいただけます。「甘い物は苦手」という方への贈り物としてもお薦め。商品サイズ350×350×60(mm)。商品重量:970g An original Enshuya gift that includes 15 types of our popular shrimp rice crackers and roasted mochi with our specialty "Moon" crackers placed right in the middle. As it is quite a composed gift box, it can be given at various occasions. It is also recommended as a gift to those who do not handle sweet foods well. Product size: 350x350x60 mm. Product weight: 970g.
浜好み Seashore Shrimp Rice Crackers
さまざまな材料と製法で焼き上げた色とりどりのえびせんべいをミックスしました。油で揚げていないノンフライのえびせんべいばかりを詰め合わせたこの『浜好み』は、どなた様にも喜んでいただける優しい味わいが魅力。幅広い世代からご支持を頂戴しているロングセラー商品です。内容量:70g。 A variety of shrimp rice crackers with various flavors and colors mixed together. The appeal of the "Seaside" assortment is that no oil is used in its rice crackers, allowing everyone to be able to enjoy its subtle flavors. This item has been supported by our customers over several generations. Product weight: 70g.
めんたいこ&チーズ味えびせん Pollack Roe and Cheese Shrimp Rice Cracker
少し堅めに焼き上げた海老せんべいに明太子をたっぷり絡ませて、濃厚なチーズをトッピングしました。海老せんべいと明太子とチーズのバランスが絶妙で、やみつきになる美味しさです。一枚ずつ個包装になっているので、誰かと分け合うのにもピッタリ。内容量:10枚。 These crackers are baked only until just hardened, then we add a pile of pollack roe and rich cheese on top. These ingredients work together to make an exquisite balance and flavor that you might never get enough of. Each cracker is individually wrapped, which makes them perfect for sharing. One box: 10 crackers.
イカスミえびせんうにチーズ味 Sea Urchin and Cheese Squid Ink Shrimp Rice Cracker
イカスミを練り込んだ歯応えのある黒い海老せんべいの上に、「うに」の風味を加えた濃厚なチーズをトッピングしました。イカスミ・海老・ウニ・そしてチーズという贅沢な食材を一度に楽しめる奥深い味の海老せんべい。お酒のお供にもオススメしたい至極の逸品です。内容量:10枚。 We knead squid ink into these rice crackers to give them a nice texture and dark color. We then top these crackers with sea urchin and a rich cheese to make a luxurious and complex combination of flavors that can be enjoyed all in one cracker. This item is also recommended as a snack to go with alcohol. One box: 10 crackers.
月 Moon Shrimp Rice Crackers (えびせんべい)
せんべい一枚ごとに新鮮な海老を一尾ずつ丸ごと使い、旨味を逃がさないようにじっくりと焼き上げました。鮮度の高い海老を使って焼き上げたからこその鮮やかな朱色が食欲をそそります。発売以来30有余年、変わらぬ味を今に伝え続ける職人の心意気が光る逸品です。内容量:60g。 Every one of our rice crackers has an entire shrimp in it, and in order to not lose all of the shrimp's flavor, we bake them very carefully. Also, since the shrimp we use are so fresh, they turn the crackers into a very appetizing shade of red. Our workers do their best to pour their passion into making sure that our rice crackers are just as good as the ones that our shop sold over 30 years ago. Product weight: 60
浜好み Seashore Shrimp Rice Crackers (えびせんべい)
さまざまな材料と製法で焼き上げた色とりどりのえびせんべいをミックスしました。油で揚げていないノンフライのえびせんべいばかりを詰め合わせたこの『浜好み』は、どなた様にも喜んでいただける優しい味わいが魅力。幅広い世代からご支持を頂戴しているロングセラー商品です。内容量:70g。 A variety of shrimp rice crackers with various flavors and colors mixed together. The appeal of the "Seaside" assortment is that no oil is used in its rice crackers, allowing everyone to be able to enjoy its subtle flavors. This item has been supported by our customers over several generations. Product weight: 70g.
いか唐揚 Fried Squid
生のいかを食べやすい大きさにカットし、鉄板で軽く焼いてからフライにしました。ピリッと辛い一味唐辛子の味付けが、いかの旨みをより一層引き立てて、一度食べたらくせになる美味しさです。ビールとの相性も抜群なので、おつまみにも最適!大人のお菓子として非常に人気がある一品です。内容量:125g。 Raw squid is cut into bite sized pieces and fried after being lightly grilled on an iron griddle. It is seasoned with cayenne pepper to really bring out the flavors of the squid, making it so good that you can't stop eating it after the first bite. Since it goes so well with beer, it makes for a great snack! The mature flavor of this item is overwhelmingly popular. Product weight: 125g.
たこ唐揚 Fried Octopus
たこを唐揚げにして塩で味付けした、おつまみに最適な人気の逸品。隠し味にちょっとだけ効かせた一味唐辛子が、たこのうまみを引き立てています。「いか唐揚」はちょっと辛いという方におススメの大人のお菓子です。内容量:104g。 Fried octopus flavored with a bit of salt that makes for a perfect snack. A bit of cayenne pepper is used to bring out the flavor of the octopus. It is recommended to those who want a refined snack, but find our fried squid to be too spicy. Product weight: 104g.
たこわさび Wasabi Octopus
たこを唐揚げにしてピリッと辛いわさび風味に味付けした、おつまみに最適な人気の逸品。隠し味にちょっとだけ効かせた一味唐辛子が、たこのうまみを引き立てています。「たこ唐揚」では物足りないという方におススメの大人のお菓子です。内容量:104g。 Fried octopus flavored with the heat of wasabi that makes for a perfect snack. A little bit of cayenne pepper is used, but only to bring out the flavor of the octopus. This snack is recommended to anyone that wants a bit more than just fried octopus. Product weight: 104g.
田舎 Country Style Japanese Sweets (和菓子)
菜種油を使って揚げた生地に、深い甘みのある三温糖を絡め、 機械を一切使わずに全て手作業で丹精込めて仕上げた、これぞ“本格派”のかりんとう。昔ながらの手作り味は、創業以来半世紀以上の長きにわたって愛されてきました。内容量:100g。 A piece of dough fried in rapeseed oil that gets its rich sweetness from unrefined sugar. Our classic style of this confection is made completely by the hands of our hard workers without the aid of any machine. The flavor of handmade treats is where our business began over half a century ago and it has been enjoyed ever since. Product weight: 100g.
四季の羽二重餅 4 Season Japanese Silk Mochi (和菓子)
きめの細かい羽二重餅に、ゆず、梅肉、黒糖を加え、ほんのりと風味が広がる優しい甘さに仕上げました。天然着色料を使用しているので、どなた様も安心してお召し上がりいただけます。季節の移ろいに応じて箱のデザインが変わります。内容量:10本。 Mochi with a texture as fine as silk is flavored with yuzu, shredded plum, and brown sugar to create a gentle flavor and a subtle sweetness. Only natural food colorants are used, so everyone can put their minds at ease when eating this item. The design of the packaging of this item changes with the seasons. One box: 10 confections.
海老穂の菓(大) Shrimp Rice Cracker Gift Box (Large) (ギフト)
遠州屋自慢の海老せんべい「月」を中心に、人気の海老せんべいとあられを15種類詰め合わせた遠州屋オリジナルギフト。落ち着いた色味の箱入りギフトなので、慶事・弔事問わずにお使いいただけます。「甘い物は苦手」という方への贈り物としてもお薦め。商品サイズ350×350×60(mm)。商品重量:970g An original Enshuya gift that includes 15 types of our popular shrimp rice crackers and roasted mochi with our specialty "Moon" crackers placed right in the middle. As it is quite a composed gift box, it can be given at various occasions. It is also recommended as a gift to those who do not handle sweet foods well. Product size: 350x350x60 mm. Product weight: 970g.
海老穂の菓(小) Shrimp Rice Cracker Gift Box (Small)
遠州屋自慢の海老せんべい「月」を中心に、人気の海老せんべいとあられを11種類詰め合わせた遠州屋オリジナルギフト。落ち着いた色味の箱入りギフトなので、慶事・弔事問わずにお使いいただけます。ビジネスシーンでのちょっとした手土産にもお薦め。商品サイズ350×275×60(mm)。商品重量:740g。※お渡し用の手提げ袋1枚付。 An original Enshuya gift that includes 11 types of our popular shrimp rice crackers and roasted mochi with our specialty "Moon" crackers placed right in the center. Since it comes in a modestly decorated gift box, it can be given at various occasions. It as also recommended as a decent gift for your workplace as well. Product size: 350x275x60 mm. Product weight: 740g. ※ Includes a carr
うすけし(18枚入) Twice Baked Shrimp Rice Cracker Gift Box (Set of 18)
海老の身をすり身にして、丁寧に二度焼き製法で焼き上げた海老せんべいの詰合せ。香ばしく奥深い味わいが人気。化粧箱入りでも465gと軽めなので、手土産に最適です。商品サイズ300×270×50(mm)。商品重量:465g。※お渡し用の手提げ袋1枚付。 An assortment of our shrimp rice crackers that are make with shrimp ground into a paste and made into crackers that are gently baked twice. They are famous for their deep and profound flavor. Even though it comes in a folding case, it only weighs a light 465g, making it a perfect gift. Product size: 300x270x50 mm. Product weight: 465g. ※ Includes a carrying bag.
うすけし(25枚入) Twice Baked Shrimp Rice Cracker Gift Box (Set of 25)
海老の身をすり身にして、丁寧に二度焼き製法で焼き上げた海老せんべいの詰合せ。香ばしく奥深い味わいが人気。多すぎず少なすぎない25枚入。商品サイズ400×270×50(mm)。商品重量:535g。※お渡し用の手提げ袋1枚付。 An assortment of our shrimp rice crackers that are make with shrimp ground into a paste and made into crackers that are gently baked twice. They are famous for their deep and profound flavor. Each box contains a moderate 25 crackers. Product size: 400x270x50 mm. Product weight: 535g. ※ Includes a carrying bag.
うすけし(40枚入) Twice Baked Shrimp Rice Cracker Gift Box (Set of 40)
海老の身をすり身にして、丁寧に二度焼き製法で焼き上げた海老せんべいの詰合せ。香ばしく奥深い味わいが人気。大容量の40枚入は、人数の多い事務所などへの手土産に喜ばれます。商品サイズ310×380×55(mm)。商品重量:600g。※お渡し用の手提げ袋1枚付。 An assortment of our shrimp rice crackers that are make with shrimp ground into a paste and made into crackers that are gently baked twice. They are famous for their deep and profound flavor. This set of 40 crackers makes for a great gift for those returning to a large office. Product size: 310x380x55 mm. Product weight: 600g. ※ Includes a carrying bag.
京のえりあし Capital's Nape Japanese Sweet
千代紙で作られた手のひらサイズの箱の中に紅白の和三盆糖で作られた可愛らしいお菓子が並んでいます。上品な味わいと口どけの良さでお茶の席にも重宝されています。内容量:25個。 A box the size of the palm of your hand is wrapped in decorated paper and lined with lovely dried red and white confections. The way these sweets taste as they melt in your mouth make them a priceless treasure when enjoyed at a tea ceremony. One box: 25 confections.
花の彩 Blossom's Color Japanese Sweet
千代紙で作られた手のひらサイズの箱の中に様々な型で抜かれた色とりどりの干菓子が並んでいます。まず目で楽しみ、上品な甘さと口どけを愉しむ大人のティータイム菓子。内容量:30個。 A box about the size of your hand is wrapped in decorative paper and filled with dried confections of several different sizes and colors. An elegant, mature sweet for tea time that you first enjoy with your eyes, and then with your mouth as its sweetness melts away. One box: 30 confections.
御所の庭 Imperial Garden Japanese Sweet
千代紙で作られた手のひらサイズの箱の中に鈴の形をした4色の干菓子とおちょぼが詰合せになった可愛らしいお菓子。季節に合わせて色の組み合わせも楽しみながら味わっていただきたい一品。内容量:57個。 4 colors of dried, bell shaped confections are marked with a dot and made into a lovely assortment in a box about the size of your palm that is adorned in decorative paper. We hope that you enjoy the assortment of seasonal colors as you eat these sweets. One box: 57 confections.
五十鈴川 Isuzu River Japanese Sweet
千代紙で作られた手のひらサイズの箱の中に鈴の形をした5色の干菓子が和紙に包まれて並んでいます。定番の味の他に、抹茶とニッキの風味も味わえる充実の一箱。個包装だからシェアもしやすい。内容量:25個。 5 colors of dried, bell shaped confections are wrapped in Japanese paper and lined in a box wrapped in decorative paper that is about the size of your palm. This box has many different flavors such as matcha, cinnamon, and other standard flavors that can all be enjoyed in one single package. Since each confection is individually wrapped, they are also very easy to share. One box: 25 confections.
歌舞伎 Kabuki Japanese Sweet
千代紙で作られた手のひらサイズの箱の中に日本伝統の「家紋」を型に打ち抜いた和三盆糖が並んでいます。成田屋の「三升」や澤瀉屋の「三つ猿」などデザインの美しさも魅力。内容量:32個。 Traditional Japanese confections are lined up in a box that is about the size of your palm and wrapped in decorative paper. The sweets are stamped with crests from several names in kabuki such as Naritaya's "Mimasu" and Omodagaya's "Mitsuzaru" that give them a sense of beauty and charm. One box: 32 confections.
免責事項: Menu-Pricesは、オンサイト訪問、ビジネスWebサイト、電話インタビューなどのソースから実際の価格情報を収集します。 このWebページで報告される価格は、これらのソースの1つまたは複数に由来します。 当然、このウェブサイトで報告される価格は最新のものではなく、特定のビジネスブランドのすべての場所に適用されるわけではありません。 現在の価格を取得するには、関心のある個々のビジネス拠点に連絡してください。
人気 飲食店
- Hooters 791
- nice tapioca 578
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- かき氷ラウンジ Kakigori Lounge 515
- カレーの店 マヤ Curry shop Maya 595
- カレーハウス CoCo壱番屋 北区太融寺 Curry House CoCo Ichibanya Kita-ku Taiyuji 592
- クルズバーガーズ CRUZ BURGERS 581
- クルミ KURUMI 559
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