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ほうじ茶ラテ (ホット) Roasted Green Tea Latté (Hot)
ほうじ茶好きの女子必見!香り高いほうじ茶はラテにしても旨味がしっかり!夏はアイスでどうそ。 Women that love roasted green tea just have to give this a try! Even as a latté, this fragrant roasted green tea still has an incredible flavor! You can also enjoy it iced during the summer.
ほうじ茶チーズケーキ Roasted green tea cheesecake
ほうじ茶ティラミス Roasted Green Tea Tiramisu
京都和束町の香り高く旨味のあるほうじ茶を使用したほうじ茶ティラミス。ほうじ茶好きの女子必見! This tiramisu is made with an incredibly fragrant roasted green tea from a town in Kyoto called Wazuka. Women that love roasted green tea have to give this a try!
抹茶ティラミス Matcha Tiramisu
当店人気No.1! 1年で最も品質が高い時期の抹茶を使った濃厚抹茶ティラミス!dmatchaの入門はこの味から。 Our most popular dish! This rich matcha tiramisu is made with the highest quality matcha of the year! We recommend that those new to Dmatcha give this dish a try.
デザート Desserts
抹茶チーズケーキ (デザート Desserts)
抹茶ガトーショコラ Matcha Chocolate Cake
仕上げはあなた!茶道用の抹茶を後がけトッピングしたら完成の濃厚抹茶味。催事でも人気の一品! You put the finishing touches on yourself! Once you dust the top of this cake with rich matcha powder used for tea ceremonies, the dessert is complete. It is a popular treat for special events!
和紅茶ティラミス Japanese Black Tea Tiramisu
レモンと日本の象徴的な品種「やぶきた」から作った自然な甘味のある自家製和紅茶は相性バツグン!夏にオススメな爽やかさ。 Our homemade Japanese black tea is made with lemon and Yabukita tea, a variety of tea that represents most of Japan's tea as a whole. It is an incredibly delicious and refreshing combination of flavors that also has a natural sweetness that is best enjoyed during the summer.
ほうじ茶ティラミス Roasted Green Tea Tiramisu (デザート Desserts)
京都和束町の香り高く旨味のあるほうじ茶を使用したほうじ茶ティラミス。ほうじ茶好きの女子必見! This tiramisu is made with an incredibly fragrant roasted green tea from a town in Kyoto called Wazuka. Women that love roasted green tea have to give this a try!
ほうじ茶ガトーショコラ Roasted Green Tea Chocolate Cake
仕上げはあなた!小麦粉よりもほうじ茶の量が多い濃厚ほうじ茶味。香りも旨味も十分に楽しめます。 You put the finishing touches on yourself! This cake uses more roasted green tea than flour to give it an incredibly rich flavor. It is simply packed with wonderful flavors and aromas.
ベリーティラミス Berry Tiramisu
無添加のベリーの甘酸っぱさと濃厚な抹茶の相性は見ても食べても幸せ!キュンとする青春の味。 This combination of tart, additive-free berries and rich matcha is sure to please both your eyes and your taste buds! It's bittersweet flavor is like an adolescent's first love.
抹茶ティラミス Matcha Tiramisu (デザート Desserts)
当店人気No.1! 1年で最も品質が高い時期の抹茶を使った濃厚抹茶ティラミス!dmatchaの入門はこの味から。 Our most popular dish! This rich matcha tiramisu is made with the highest quality matcha of the year! We recommend that those new to Dmatcha give this dish a try.
SANDO ICE Ice Cream Sandwich
令和元年の新商品!濃厚抹茶とほうじ茶でミルクをサンドした、秘密のレシピで夏でも溶けないアイスキャンディー! This new treat was made to celebrate the beginning of the Reiwa era! We take rich matcha, roasted green tea, honey, and milk and turn it into a sandwich that is like a popsicle that will never melt, even in the summer!
ティラミス4種セット Set of 4 Kinds of Tiramisu
人気のティラミス4種が詰まったセットです。贅沢に食べ比べしても良し◎女子会にも映えます◎ This luxurious set includes four different kinds of our popular tiramisu. We recommend trying each one to compare the different flavors. It often takes the spotlight for any girls' night out.
ほうじ茶チーズケーキ Roasted green tea cheesecake (デザート Desserts)
ドリンク Drinks
抹茶ラテ(アイス) Matcha Latté (Iced)
ドリンク人気No.1!自家農園の濃厚抹茶とふわふわスチームミルクの相性バツグン! Our most popular drink! This combination of matcha from our self-owned plantation and steamed milk is incredibly delicious!
抹茶ラテ(ホット) Matcha Latté (Hot)
ドリンク人気No.1!夏はアイスで茶農家直送の抹茶とふわふわミルクをご堪能ください! Our most popular drink! This iced summer drink is made with matcha delivered directly from a tea farm and paired with light, creamy milk!
ほうじ茶ラテ (アイス) Roasted Green Tea Latté (Iced)
冬でも夏でも人気のラテ!飲みやすいオリジナルほうじ茶ペーストを使用。最後まで濃厚さが続きます。 This latté is popular in both winter and summer! It is made with our original roasted green tea paste and is very easy to enjoy. You can enjoy its rich, delicious flavor until the very last drop.
ほうじ茶ラテ (ホット) Roasted Green Tea Latté (Hot) (ドリンク Drinks)
ほうじ茶好きの女子必見!香り高いほうじ茶はラテにしても旨味がしっかり!夏はアイスでどうそ。 Women that love roasted green tea just have to give this a try! Even as a latté, this fragrant roasted green tea still has an incredible flavor! You can also enjoy it iced during the summer.
ドリンク+デザート Drinks with Dessert
ティラミスと和紅茶セット Tiramisu and Japanese Black Tea Set
不動の人気、抹茶ティラミスと自家製の和紅茶セット!まろやかで優しい和紅茶は濃厚抹茶とご一緒に! Our matcha tiramisu has an unwavering popularity! It is also served with our homemade Japanese black tea as a set! We hope you enjoy the combination of mellow black tea and rich matcha!
抹茶ラテ(ホット)と自家製抹茶フィナンシェセット Matcha Latté (Hot) and Homemade Matcha Financier Set
製造したら即完売の濃厚抹茶のフィナンシェはどこから食べてもしっかり抹茶味!抹茶ラテと一緒にどうぞ。 These rich matcha financiers sell out almost as quickly as we can make them! If you manage to get one, please enjoy its bold matcha flavor! Please also enjoy it with one of our matcha lattés.
ほうじ茶ラテ(ホット)と自家製ほうじ茶フィナンシェセット Roasted Green Tea Latté (Hot) and Homemade Roasted Green Tea Financier Set
香りと旨味を閉じ込めた自家製ほうじ茶フィナンシェは国内外問わず大人気!ほうじ茶ラテと一緒にどうぞ。 The incredible fragrance and flavors are sealed up tightly inside of our homemade roasted green tea financiers. This treat is popular both inside and outside the country! Please enjoy it with our roasted greet tea latté.
免責事項: Menu-Pricesは、オンサイト訪問、ビジネスWebサイト、電話インタビューなどのソースから実際の価格情報を収集します。 このWebページで報告される価格は、これらのソースの1つまたは複数に由来します。 当然、このウェブサイトで報告される価格は最新のものではなく、特定のビジネスブランドのすべての場所に適用されるわけではありません。 現在の価格を取得するには、関心のある個々のビジネス拠点に連絡してください。
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