Dairy Den - CG Road मेनू मूल्य (IN)
सत्यापित मूल्यMenu-Prices के साथ संबद्ध नहीं है Dairy Den - CG Road (IN)
अनुभाग पर जाएं प्रदर्शन
आप देख रहे हैं Dairy Den - CG Road (IN) द्वारा पुष्टि की गई कीमतें Menu-Prices निम्न स्थान पर:
Mithakhali, Navrangpura,
में दिखाई गई कीमतें:
Chocolate Chips
Served in a disposable glass.
Served in a disposable glass.
Served in a disposable glass.
Figs Cashews
Kaju and anjeer. Served in a disposable glass.
Saffron Cardamom
Kesar and elachi. Served in a disposable glass.
Most Poppular
Chocolate Chips Marble
Served in a disposable glass.
Super Rice Chocolate
Served in fresh rolled waffle cone or 150 mL disposable cups.
Vanilla Dipped in Chocolate
Chocolate dip. 150 mL soft serve.
Slow Sippers
Badam and anjeer. Served in a disposable glass.
Custard Apple
Sitafal-badam. Seasonal. Served in a disposable glass.
Oreo Tahiti
Served in a disposable glass.
Chocolate Chips Marble (Slow Sippers)
Served in a disposable glass.
Prime Saffron Almond
Kesar and badam. Served in a disposable glass.
Prime Rajbhog
Served in a disposable glass.
Cookies and Cream
Served in a disposable glass.
Figs Cashews (Slow Sippers)
Kaju and anjeer. Served in a disposable glass.
Served in a disposable glass.
Chocolate Chips (Slow Sippers)
Served in a disposable glass.
Chocolate Almond
Served in a disposable glass.
Chocolate Brownie
Served in a disposable glass.
Mocha Brownie
Served in a disposable glass.
Served in a disposable glass.
Forest Strawberry
Served in a disposable glass.
Butterscotch (Slow Sippers)
Served in a disposable glass.
Served in a disposable glass.
Chocolate (Slow Sippers)
Served in a disposable glass.
Alphonso Mango
Served in a disposable glass.
French Vanilla
Served in a disposable glass.
Saffron Cardamom (Slow Sippers)
Kesar and elachi. Served in a disposable glass.
Served in a disposable glass.
Slow Sippers Whey
Figs-Almond (Slow Sippers Whey)
Badam and anjeer. Served in a disposable glass.
Custard Apple (Slow Sippers Whey)
Sitafal-badam. Seasonal. Served in a disposable glass.
Oreo Tahiti (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in a disposable glass.
Chocolate Chips Marble (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in a disposable glass.
Prime Saffron Almond (Slow Sippers Whey)
Kesar and badam. Served in a disposable glass.
Prime Rajbhog (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in a disposable glass.
Cookies and Cream (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in a disposable glass.
Figs Cashews (Slow Sippers Whey)
Kaju and anjeer. Served in a disposable glass.
Chikoo (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in a disposable glass.
Chocolate Chips (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in a disposable glass.
Chocolate Almond (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in a disposable glass.
Chocolate Brownie (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in a disposable glass.
Mocha Brownie (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in a disposable glass.
Lychee (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in a disposable glass.
Forest Strawberry (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in a disposable glass.
Butterscotch (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in a disposable glass.
Pineapple (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in disposable glass.
Chocolate (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in a disposable glass.
Alphonso Mango (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in disposable glass.
French Vanilla (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in disposable glass.
Saffron Cardamom (Slow Sippers Whey)
Kesar and elachi. Served in a disposable glass.
Mocha (Slow Sippers Whey)
Served in a disposable glass.
Premium Soft Serves
French Vanilla (Premium Soft Serves)
Served in fresh rolled waffle cone or 150 mL disposable cups.
Super Rice Chocolate (Premium Soft Serves)
Served in fresh rolled waffle cone or 150 mL disposable cups.
Super Rich Chocolate-French Vanilla
Served in fresh rolled waffle cone or 150 mL disposable cups.
Dip It in
French Vanilla dipped in Chocolate and Nuts
Chocolate crunch dip. 150 mL soft serve.
Super Rich Chocolate Dipped in Chocolate
Chocolate crunch dip. 150 mL soft serve.
Vanilla Dipped in Chocolate (Dip It in)
Chocolate dip. 150 mL soft serve.
Super Rich Chocolate Dipped in Chocolate (Dip It in)
Chocolate dip. 150 mL soft serve.
French Vanilla Dipped in Chocolate Strands
150 mL soft serve.
Super Rich Chocolate Dipped in Chocolate Strands
150 mL soft serve.
अस्वीकरण: Menu-Prices ऑन-साइट विज़िट, व्यावसायिक वेबसाइट और फ़ोन साक्षात्कार जैसे स्रोतों से वास्तविक मूल्य निर्धारण जानकारी एकत्र करता है। इस वेबपृष्ठ पर रिपोर्ट की गई कीमतें उन स्रोतों में से एक या अधिक से प्राप्त होती हैं। स्वाभाविक रूप से, इस वेबसाइट पर बताई गई कीमतें वर्तमान नहीं हो सकती हैं, और किसी दिए गए व्यवसाय ब्रांड के सभी स्थानों पर लागू नहीं हो सकती हैं। वर्तमान मूल्य निर्धारण प्राप्त करने के लिए, आप के लिए व्यक्तिगत व्यावसायिक स्थान से संपर्क करें।
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