Dairy Den - Amberpet मेनू मूल्य (IN)
सत्यापित मूल्यMenu-Prices के साथ संबद्ध नहीं है Dairy Den - Amberpet (IN)
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आप देख रहे हैं Dairy Den - Amberpet (IN) द्वारा पुष्टि की गई कीमतें Menu-Prices निम्न स्थान पर:
Street no.5,
में दिखाई गई कीमतें:
Most Popular
400 mL. Silky vanilla with Alphonso mango scoops, tropical fruit chunks, nuts, and a blast of mango topping.
400 mL. Smooth vanilla with chopped tropical fruits, nuts, and drowned in strawberry topping.
Black Currant
400 mL. A dump of black currant and mixed fruits in snowie vanilla with slurpee currant topping.
Nut Overload
400 mL. Roasted almond with silky vanilla butterscotch and dipped in caramel topping.
DBC (Death By Chocolate)
400 mL. Belgium dark chocolate ice cream with a shot of vanilla, roasted almonds, and brownie in thick chocolate fudge sauce.
Butter Scotch Fantasia
150 mL. Caramel butter scotch scoop with vanilla shots and brownie inside.
Mango Lassi
250 mL. Yogurt smoothie.
Chocolate Fantasia
150 mL. Chocolate scoop, creamy scoop, and creamy vanilla underneath. Topped with fudge sauce and a chocolate brownie.
Ice Cream Happy Sundae
Nut Overload (Ice Cream Happy Sundae)
400 mL. Roasted almond with silky vanilla butterscotch and dipped in caramel topping.
Fruit Punch
400 mL. Swiss vanilla with real strawberry ice cream and a grape topping.
Mango (Ice Cream Happy Sundae)
400 mL. Silky vanilla with Alphonso mango scoops, tropical fruit chunks, nuts, and a blast of mango topping.
Black Currant (Ice Cream Happy Sundae)
400 mL. A dump of black currant and mixed fruits in snowie vanilla with slurpee currant topping.
DBC (Death By Chocolate) (Ice Cream Happy Sundae)
400 mL. Belgium dark chocolate ice cream with a shot of vanilla, roasted almonds, and brownie in thick chocolate fudge sauce.
Strawberry (Ice Cream Happy Sundae)
400 mL. Smooth vanilla with chopped tropical fruits, nuts, and drowned in strawberry topping.
Dark Chocolate
400 mL. Utter dark chocolate ice cream with almond roasted brown and sinking in bitter choco fudge topping.
Fruit Nut
400 mL. Swiss vanilla with strawberry ice cream, nuts, and a grape topping.
400 mL. Coffee and vanilla ice cream infused with fudge and cappuccino topping.
Scoop On
Strawberry Fantasia
150 mL. Silky strawberry scoop with vanilla shot and a fruit brownie inside.
Black Currant Fantasia
150 mL. Velvet black currant with Swiss vanilla and a fruit brownie inside.
Butter Scotch Fantasia (Scoop On)
150 mL. Caramel butter scotch scoop with vanilla shots and brownie inside.
Chocolate Fantasia (Scoop On)
150 mL. Chocolate scoop, creamy scoop, and creamy vanilla underneath. Topped with fudge sauce and a chocolate brownie.
Mango Fantasia
150 mL. Alphanso mango scoop and vanilla. Topped with slurpee mango topping and a fruit brownie inside.
Flavored Lassi
Dry Fruit Lassi
250 mL. Yogurt smoothie.
Mango Lassi (Flavored Lassi)
250 mL. Yogurt smoothie.
Strawberry Lassi
250 mL. Yogurt smoothie.
DBC (Death By Chocolate) (Specials)
The Original Price is ₹143. 400 mL. Belgium dark chocolate ice cream with a shot of vanilla, roasted almonds, and brownie in thick chocolate fudge sauce.
Black Currant (Specials)
The Original Price is ₹143. 400 mL. A dump of black currant and mixed fruits in snowie vanilla with slurpee currant topping.
Mango (Specials)
The Original Price is ₹143. 400 mL. Silky vanilla with Alphonso mango scoops, tropical fruit chunks, nuts, and a blast of mango topping.
Strawberry Fantasia (Specials)
The Original Price is ₹76. 150 mL. Silky strawberry scoop with vanilla shot and a fruit brownie inside.
Chocolate Fantasia (Specials)
The Original Price is ₹76. 150 mL. Chocolate scoop, creamy scoop, and creamy vanilla underneath. Topped with fudge sauce and a chocolate brownie.
अस्वीकरण: Menu-Prices ऑन-साइट विज़िट, व्यावसायिक वेबसाइट और फ़ोन साक्षात्कार जैसे स्रोतों से वास्तविक मूल्य निर्धारण जानकारी एकत्र करता है। इस वेबपृष्ठ पर रिपोर्ट की गई कीमतें उन स्रोतों में से एक या अधिक से प्राप्त होती हैं। स्वाभाविक रूप से, इस वेबसाइट पर बताई गई कीमतें वर्तमान नहीं हो सकती हैं, और किसी दिए गए व्यवसाय ब्रांड के सभी स्थानों पर लागू नहीं हो सकती हैं। वर्तमान मूल्य निर्धारण प्राप्त करने के लिए, आप के लिए व्यक्तिगत व्यावसायिक स्थान से संपर्क करें।
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