美食酒菜 翡翠楼本店 Chinese Restaurant Hisuirou メニュー価格 (JP)
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8(145) 651-7108
Picked For You
春巻き5本 Spring Rolls (5)
野菜たっぷりの春巻きも勿論手作り。塩分控えめの餡が熱々トロトロ。パリッとした皮もお楽しみ下さい。 Of course, our spring rolls are made with a generous amount of vegetables and are all hand-made. The lightly salted filling it piping hot and juicy. We hope you enjoy the crispy wrapper too.
麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu
ピリっと辛くて甘めの麻婆豆腐です。 Spicy, mildly sweet mapo tofu.
田舎風・焼きビーフン(ボリューム満点) Country-Style Stir-Fried Rice Noodles (Filling)
野菜がたっぷりで豚肉や魚介など具沢山の焼きビーフンは油控えめでとてもヘルシー。あっさりしていて軽く女性の方に大人気です。 These rice noodles are cooked with a generous amount of vegetables, pork, seafood, and plenty of other ingredients. We also only use a little bit of oil to make it incredibly healthy as well. Its light, simple seasoning is incredibly popular among women.
酸辣湯(サンラータン) Hot and Sour Soup
具沢山で栄養満点。少し酸っぱくて少しピリッとする女性に大人気のスープです。夏バテの時や身体を温めたい時におすすめです。 This nutritious soup is made with a variety of ingredients. It's mildly spicy and sour flavor is incredibly popular among women. We recommend it during both hot summers and cold winters.
蒸し鶏のネギ生姜ソースかけ Steamed Chicken with Green Onion and Ginger Sauce
【おすすめ】丁寧にスモークされた柔らかい蒸し鶏にネギと生姜の特製ソースをかけたあっさり食べられてとってもヘルシー。 [Recommended] This incredibly healthy dish is made with a gently smoked piece of chicken that is then steamed until it is tender. It is also served with a special green onion and ginger sauce to give it a simple, yet delicious flavor.
前菜 Appetizers
三種の特製冷菜盛り合わせ Assortment of 3 Special Side Dishes
釜焼きチャーシュー・蒸し鶏・クラゲの大人気オードブルです。 A very popular assortment of appetizers: Iron pot chashu pork, steamed chicken, and jellyfish.
棒棒鶏(バンバンジー) Bang Bang Chicken
丁寧にスモークされた柔らかい蒸し鶏を自家製胡麻ソースでお楽しみ下さい。 This incredibly healthy dish is made with a gently smoked piece of chicken that is then steamed until it is tender. It is also served with our homemade sesame sauce.
蒸し鶏のネギ生姜ソースかけ Steamed Chicken with Green Onion and Ginger Sauce (前菜 Appetizers)
【おすすめ】丁寧にスモークされた柔らかい蒸し鶏にネギと生姜の特製ソースをかけたあっさり食べられてとってもヘルシー。 [Recommended] This incredibly healthy dish is made with a gently smoked piece of chicken that is then steamed until it is tender. It is also served with a special green onion and ginger sauce to give it a simple, yet delicious flavor.
キュウリのピリ辛和え Spicy Cucumber Salad
瑞々しいキュウリをピリ辛タレで和えました。おつまみや副菜におすすめです。 Fresh cucumbers are dressed with a spicy sauce. We recommend enjoying it as a snack or a side dish.
自家製釜焼きチャーシュー Homemade Iron Pot Chashu Pork
釜で時間をかけて丁寧に仕上げる自家製チャーシューは肉の旨味が凝縮されています。オードブルにもおかずにも最適。 Our incredibly flavorful chashu pork is gently braised in an iron pot over a long time. It makes a great snack or appetizer.
野菜 Vegetable
豆苗(トウミョウ)炒め Stir-Fried Pea Shoots
塩分控えめで優しい味わい。栄養がたっぷり摂れる新鮮な青菜を是非。 This dish is lightly salted to give it a mild flavor. We hope you give these incredibly nutritious greens a try.
スープ Soups
玉子と青菜のスープ Egg and Bok Choy Soup
健康的なヘルシーなスープで胃や身体を温めてからお食事をする事を提案させて頂きます。 This healthy soup is great for warming up your body and preparing your stomach for the rest of your meal.
酸辣湯(サンラータン) Hot and Sour Soup (スープ Soups)
具沢山で栄養満点。少し酸っぱくて少しピリッとする女性に大人気のスープです。夏バテの時や身体を温めたい時におすすめです。 This nutritious soup is made with a variety of ingredients. It's mildly spicy and sour flavor is incredibly popular among women. We recommend it during both hot summers and cold winters.
手作りワンタンスープ Hand-Made Wonton Soup
手作りのワンタンは皮も生の皮から包んでいます。優しい味わいをお楽しみ下さい。 All of our hand-made wontons begin with a fresh dumpling wrapper. We hope you enjoy its gentle flavor.
海鮮 Seafood
大海老紅白盛り合わせ Red and White Shrimp Assortment
【おすすめ】大きなプリプリ海老を自家製チリソースと甘めのマヨネーズで和えた縁起の良い色合いの盛り合わせです。一度に2つの味が楽しめます。 [Recommended] Plenty of large, plump shrimp are coated in both our homemade chili sauce and mayonnaise to create a combination of colors that are said to be a good omen. We hope you enjoy these two flavors.
海老とアスパラ塩味炒め Salted Shrimp and Asparagus Stir-Fry
プリプリの海老とアスパラの食感が相性抜群。優しい味わいで素材の美味しさを感じて下さい。 The textures of plump shrimp and asparagus go incredibly well together. The dish has a gentle flavor that focuses on the individual ingredients.
海老のマヨネーズ和え Shrimp with Mayonnaise Sauce
プリプリの海老をカリッとした衣で揚げ自家製の甘めのマヨネーズに絡めた大人気の一品です。お子様に大変ご好評です。 This incredibly popular dish is made with plump shrimp that are breaded and fried until nice and crispy, then coated in our homemade sweet mayonnaise sauce. It is unbelievably popular with children.
海老のマヨネーズ和え Shrimp with Mayonnaise Sauce (海鮮 Seafood)
プリプリの海老をカリッとした衣で揚げ自家製の甘めのマヨネーズに絡めた大人気の一品です。お子様に大変ご好評です。 This incredibly popular dish is made with plump shrimp that are breaded and fried until nice and crispy, then coated in our homemade sweet mayonnaise sauce. It is unbelievably popular with children.
白身魚の四川唐辛子炒め White Fish and Sichuan Chili Pepper Stir-Fry
白身魚を衣を付けカリッと揚げ本場四川から取り寄せた唐辛子と炒めたお酒やおかずに相性抜群の一品です。 White fish is battered and fried to a crisp, then stir-fried with genuine Sichuan chili peppers. It goes incredibly well with alcohol and rice.
白身魚の四川唐辛子炒め White Fish and Sichuan Chili Pepper Stir-Fry (海鮮 Seafood)
白身魚を衣を付けカリッと揚げ本場四川から取り寄せた唐辛子と炒めたお酒やおかずに相性抜群の一品です。 White fish is battered and fried to a crisp, then stir-fried with genuine Sichuan chili peppers. It goes incredibly well with alcohol and rice.
海鮮のレタス包み Seafood Lettuce Wraps
海老、イカ、ホタテをぶつ切りにし野菜と炒めシャキシャキレタスで巻いて食べるとってもヘルシーで魚介の旨味を感じられる一品です。 This incredibly healthy dish is made with chopped shrimp, squid, and scallops that are stir-fried with vegetables. You can use crisp lettuce to wrap everything together.
海鮮のレタス包み Seafood Lettuce Wraps (海鮮 Seafood)
海老、イカ、ホタテをぶつ切りにし野菜と炒めシャキシャキレタスで巻いて食べるとってもヘルシーで魚介の旨味を感じられる一品です。 This incredibly healthy dish is made with chopped shrimp, squid, and scallops that are stir-fried with vegetables. You can use crisp lettuce to wrap everything together.
三種海鮮の自家製XO醤炒め 3 Kinds of Seafood Stir-Fried with Homemade XO Sauce
当店ではXO醤やソースは全てを拘りを持ちオーナーシェフが一から作っています。XO醤は金華ハムや干し貝柱の旨味が凝縮されています。海鮮との相性も抜群。 All of our sauces, including our XO sauce, are made by our owner-chef. Our XO sauce in particular is made with the wonderful flavors of Jinhua ham and dried mussels. It goes incredibly well with seafood.
三種海鮮の自家製XO醤炒め 3 Kinds of Seafood Stir-Fried with Homemade XO Sauce (海鮮 Seafood)
当店ではXO醤やソースは全てを拘りを持ちオーナーシェフが一から作っています。XO醤は金華ハムや干し貝柱の旨味が凝縮されています。海鮮との相性も抜群。 All of our sauces, including our XO sauce, are made by our owner-chef. Our XO sauce in particular is made with the wonderful flavors of Jinhua ham and dried mussels. It goes incredibly well with seafood.
高級食材 Top-Class Ingredients
北京ダック(5枚) Peking Duck (5 Pieces)
ご家庭で北京ダックをお楽しみ頂けます。 You can enjoy Peking duck in the comfort of your own home.
アワビのステーキ(オイスターソースかけ) Abalone Steak (with Oyster Sauce)
柔らかくて程よい歯応えをお楽しみ頂ける当店のアワビを是非ご家庭でもお楽しみ下さい。 This tender abalone has the perfect tender texture for you to enjoy. Please enjoy it in the comfort of your own home.
肉類 Meat
翡翠楼特製・四川麻婆豆腐 Hisuiro's Special Sichuan-Style Mapo Tofu
【おすすめ】花山椒と本場四川の唐辛子を数種類ブレンドし手作りの香ばしいラー油やスパイスを独自に調合した辛さの中に旨味を感じられる一品です! [Recommended] This dish is made with our chili oil and a carefully crafted blend of spices to give this dish both heat and flavor! Our hand-made chili oil also made with Sichuan peppercorns and a blend of various genuine Sichuan chili peppers.
麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu (肉類 Meat)
ピリっと辛くて甘めの麻婆豆腐です。 Spicy, mildly sweet mapo tofu.
牛肉の黒胡椒炒め Beef and Black Pepper Stir-Fry
ブラックペッパーと牛肉の相性抜群。柔らかい牛肉は噛めば噛むほど旨味が広がる。 Black pepper and beef go incredibly well together. The more you chew this tender beef, the more flavorful it becomes.
青椒肉絲(チンジャオロース) Meat and Green Pepper Stir-Fry
みんな大好きチンジャオロース!中華ならではの火力でピーマンは甘くてシャキシャキ!お肉は柔らかい。 Everyone's favorite: meat and green pepper stir-fry! We use an incredibly hot flame to cook these sweet and crisp green peppers and tender meat, a technique that is unique to Chinese cuisine.
点心・飲茶 Dim Sum and Yamcha
焼き餃子10個 Grilled Gyoza Dumplings (10)
ニンニクを使用しない翡翠楼の餃子は野菜たっぷりでヘルシー。ラードなどの油分は一切使用しておりません。お子様にも安心して召し上がって頂けます。 These healthy gyoza dumplings of ours are not seasoned with garlic or lard and are made with a generous amount of vegetables. Children can also enjoy them without worry.
焼き餃子10個 Grilled Gyoza Dumplings (10) (点心・飲茶 Dim Sum and Yamcha)
ニンニクを使用しない翡翠楼の餃子は野菜たっぷりでヘルシー。ラードなどの油分は一切使用しておりません。お子様にも安心して召し上がって頂けます。 These healthy gyoza dumplings of ours are not seasoned with garlic or lard and are made with a generous amount of vegetables. Children can also enjoy them without worry.
春巻き5本 Spring Rolls (5) (点心・飲茶 Dim Sum and Yamcha)
野菜たっぷりの春巻きも勿論手作り。塩分控えめの餡が熱々トロトロ。パリッとした皮もお楽しみ下さい。 Of course, our spring rolls are made with a generous amount of vegetables and are all hand-made. The lightly salted filling it piping hot and juicy. We hope you enjoy the crispy wrapper too.
【おすすめ】翡翠楼の翡翠水餃子6個 [Recommended] Hisuiro's Boiled Jade Gyoza Dumplings (6)
白菜の発音は中国語で百の財という発音に近いことから白菜は縁起物とされております。翡翠も幸福や長寿の石として知られていることから白菜に見立てた翡翠色のオリジナル水餃子を是非一度ご賞味ください。とてもヘルシーです。 In Chinese, the pronunciation of "Chinese cabbage" is similar to "white treasure", so it is often associated with good luck and fortune. Jade is also another symbol of happiness and longevity, so we decided to combine Chinese cabbage and the color of jade to make these original boiled gyoza dumplings. We hope you give these incredibly healthy dumplings a try.
【おすすめ】揚げエビ巻き3本 [Recommended] Fried Shrimp Rolls (3)
外はサクッと軽く中はプリっプリの海老がたっぷり。全て手作りで、素材の美味しさをお楽しみ頂けます。 The outsides are light and crispy while the insides are filled with a generous amount of plump shrimp. Everything is made by hand, so you can enjoy the wonderful flavors in each of the ingredients.
翡翠楼ごま団子・大粒3個 Hisuiro Smashed Sweet Bean Paste Sesame Dumplings (3)
ごまが香り、皮はモチモチ、あんこは甘さ控え目です。一つ一つ心を込めて作っております。 These fragrant sesame dumplings are chewy and filled with a mildly sweet bean paste. Our staff put their all into each dumpling.
麺・飯 Noodles and Rice
田舎風・焼きビーフン(ボリューム満点) Country-Style Stir-Fried Rice Noodles (Filling) (麺・飯 Noodles and Rice)
野菜がたっぷりで豚肉や魚介など具沢山の焼きビーフンは油控えめでとてもヘルシー。あっさりしていて軽く女性の方に大人気です。 These rice noodles are cooked with a generous amount of vegetables, pork, seafood, and plenty of other ingredients. We also only use a little bit of oil to make it incredibly healthy as well. Its light, simple seasoning is incredibly popular among women.
四川焼きそば(ボリューム満点) Sichuan-Style Yakisoba (Filling)
中華麺とお肉や青菜でピリッと炒めた焼きそばです。リピーターのお客様が多くとても人気です。 This spicy yakisoba is made with Chinese noodles, meat, and bok choy. People keep coming back for this incredibly popular dish.
海老チャーハン Shrimp Fried Rice
油控えめで中華ならではの火力と技術で作るパラパラのチャーハンです。歌プリプリ海老とネギ香る優しい味わいのチャーハンです。 This delicate fried rice is made with only a little bit of oil and stir-fried with a very hot flame, a technique specifically associated with Chinese cuisine. The plump shrimp and fragrant green onions give this dish a mild flavor.
免責事項: Menu-Pricesは、オンサイト訪問、ビジネスWebサイト、電話インタビューなどのソースから実際の価格情報を収集します。 このWebページで報告される価格は、これらのソースの1つまたは複数に由来します。 当然、このウェブサイトで報告される価格は最新のものではなく、特定のビジネスブランドのすべての場所に適用されるわけではありません。 現在の価格を取得するには、関心のある個々のビジネス拠点に連絡してください。
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