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新宿区 市谷田町 2-1-5,
8(135) 261-1282
Picked For You
麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu
花椒エキス入り。ビリビリ辛い中国本番麻婆豆腐。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Our authentic spicy mapo tofu is made with Sichuan pepper extract. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
マーラー牛肉刀削麺 Mala Beef with Cut Noodles
一口大の牛肉、山椒と唐辛子たっぷりのマーラー刀削麺。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Our Mala knife-cut noodles are served with bite-sized pieces of beef that is seasoned with Japanese pepper and a generous amount of chilies.
牛肉刀削麺 Beef with Cut Noodles
麺はモチモチ。スープはさっぱりしています。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) These chewy noodles are served with a refreshing soup. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
青椒肉絲+五目チャーハン Stir-Fried Beef and Green Peppers with Mixed Fried Rice
(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
黒酢鶏 Black Vinegar Sweet and Sour Chicken
黒酢のコクのある甘酸っぱいたれがご飯によく合います。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) We use the rich flavor of black vinegar to make a sweet and sour sauce that goes incredibly well with rice. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
口水鶏 Mouthwatering Chicken
四川風鶏肉のピリ辛ダレ。中国四川地方の料理。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) This classic Sichuan-style chicken is covered in a spicy sauce. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
白切鶏 White Cut Chicken
広東風の万能ネギと生姜ソースかけ(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) This chicken is served with an all-purpose Guangdong-style sauce that is made with green onions and ginger. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
干絲 Dried and Shredded Tofu
(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
春巻き(3本) Fried Spring Rolls (3 Pieces)
豚肉、春雨、野菜が入っています。サクサク揚げた春巻き!(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Our fried spring rolls are made with pork, glass noodles, and fresh vegetables! Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
焼きギョーザ(5個) Fried Gyoza (5 Pieces)
キャベツベースのタネでニンニク無。自慢な自家製餃子です。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Our homemade gyoza dumplings are stuffed with a cabbage-based filling that is made without garlic. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
焼きギョーザ(5個) Fried Gyoza (5 Pieces) (一品料理)
キャベツベースのタネでニンニク無。自慢な自家製餃子です。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Our homemade gyoza dumplings are stuffed with a cabbage-based filling that is made without garlic. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
黒酢鶏 Black Vinegar Sweet and Sour Chicken (一品料理)
黒酢のコクのある甘酸っぱいたれがご飯によく合います。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) We use the rich flavor of black vinegar to make a sweet and sour sauce that goes incredibly well with rice. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
唐揚げ Fried Chicken
衣はサクッと鶏肉はジューシー。理想のから揚げ。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Juicy chicken is coated in a crispy breading, just like fried chicken should be. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
鶏肉と唐辛子炒め Stir-Fried Chicken and Chili Peppers
唐揚げ鶏肉と中国産唐辛子サクサク炒め。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) This crispy stir-fry is made with fried chicken and spicy Chinese chilies. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
鶏肉の四川風炒め Sichuan-Style Stir-Fried Chicken
ピリ辛風味が食欲そそります。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) It has a spicy flavor that you just can't resist. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
鶏肉のカシューナッツ炒め Stir-Fried Chicken and Cashews
ジューシーなお肉と食感の良いカシューナッツの相性。おつまみも主菜にも最適!(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) The pairing of juicy chicken and delicious cashews makes a dish that is great either as a snack or as a main dish! Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
黒酢豚 Black Vinegar Sweet and Sour Pork
豚肩ロース。瓷で熟成させた黒酢を使用した酢豚です。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) This sweet and sour pork is made with pork shoulder that is marinated in black vinegar. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
酢豚 Sweet and Sour Pork
豚肩ロース。甘酢と特製ソース掛けです。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Pieces of pork shoulder are coated in a special sweet and sour sauce that is made with sweet vinegar. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
回鍋肉 Twice-Cooked Pork
キャベツがたっぷり食べれる回鍋肉です。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Our twice cooked pork is made with a generous amount of cabbage. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
回鍋肉 Twice-Cooked Pork (一品料理)
キャベツがたっぷり食べれる回鍋肉です。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Our twice cooked pork is made with a generous amount of cabbage. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
豚角煮 Cubed Pork Stew
ほろほろと肉が口の中でとろける豚の角煮。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) This stewed pork is so tender that it just melts in your mouth! Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
エビマヨ Stir-Fried Shrimp with a Mayonnaise Sauce
ぷりぷりエビマヨ!子供たち大好きなメニュー。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Every child's favorite: stir-fried shrimp with a mayonnaise sauce! Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
干焼蝦仁(エビチリ) Stir-Fried Shrimp with a Chili Sauce
ぷりぷりエビピリ辛い。ワインに合うつまみ。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) This spicy shrimp stir-fry makes for a great snack to enjoy with wine. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
蝦仁炒蛋(エビ卵炒め) Stir-Fried Shrimp and Eggs
ふわっとした卵の黄身とぷりぷりしたエビのピンク色が美味しい一品です。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) The wonderful color of pink shrimp and yellow egg yolks makes for a dish that appeals to all of your senses. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
牛肉とニンニクの芽炒め Stir-Fried Beef and Garlic Sprouts
ニンニクのシャキシャキ感。大人はビールが子どもはご飯が進みます。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) The crisp garlic sprouts in this stir-fry go incredibly well with rice or beer, if you're an adult. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
牛肉のバーベキューソース炒め Stir-Fried Beef with a BBQ Sauce
たっぷりのキャベツと牛もも肉。特製沙茶醤炒め(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) This stir-fry is made with plenty of cabbage and beef that is seasoned with a special Shacha sauce. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
青椒肉絲(チンジャオロース) Stir-Fried Beef and Green Peppers
食材を強火で炒めた食感が魅力。中華の定番。家庭では作れない味です。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) This classic Chinese stir-fry is made using an incredibly hot flame to cook all of its ingredients. It's simply a flavor you can't replicate at home. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu (一品料理)
花椒エキス入り。ビリビリ辛い中国本番麻婆豆腐。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Our authentic spicy mapo tofu is made with Sichuan pepper extract. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
チャーハン Fried Rice
チャーシュー入りのパラパラのチャーハン。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Delicious chashu pork is used to make this fried rice. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
チャーハン Fried Rice (メイン)
チャーシュー入りのパラパラのチャーハン。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Delicious chashu pork is used to make this fried rice. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
焼きそば Yakisoba
野菜たっぷり、豚もも肉の細切り麺の炒めです。大満足の一品です。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Plenty of vegetables, pork, and noodles are all stir-fried together to make this incredibly filling meal. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
マーラー牛肉刀削麺 Mala Beef with Cut Noodles (メイン)
一口大の牛肉、山椒と唐辛子たっぷりのマーラー刀削麺。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Our Mala knife-cut noodles are served with bite-sized pieces of beef that is seasoned with Japanese pepper and a generous amount of chilies.
牛肉刀削麺 Beef with Cut Noodles (メイン)
麺はモチモチ。スープはさっぱりしています。(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) These chewy noodles are served with a refreshing soup. Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
青椒肉絲+五目チャーハン Stir-Fried Beef and Green Peppers with Mixed Fried Rice (セット)
(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
回鍋肉+五目チャーハン Twice Cooked Pork with Mixed Fried Rice
(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
麻婆豆腐+五目チャーハン Mapo Tofu with Mixed Fried Rice
(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
エビチリ+五目チャーハン Stir-Fried Shrimp with a Chili Sauce and Mixed Fried Rice
(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
黒酢鶏+五目チャーハン Black Vinegar Sweet and Sour Pork with Mixed Fried Rice
(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
辣子鶏丁+五目チャーハン Laziji and Mixed Fried Rice
(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
辣子鶏丁+五目チャーハン Laziji and Mixed Fried Rice (セット)
(5000円以上注文すると自家製焼きギョーザ1人前がもらえます) Orders that are over 5000 yen will get a serving of our homemade fried gyoza dumplings!
免責事項: Menu-Pricesは、オンサイト訪問、ビジネスWebサイト、電話インタビューなどのソースから実際の価格情報を収集します。 このWebページで報告される価格は、これらのソースの1つまたは複数に由来します。 当然、このウェブサイトで報告される価格は最新のものではなく、特定のビジネスブランドのすべての場所に適用されるわけではありません。 現在の価格を取得するには、関心のある個々のビジネス拠点に連絡してください。
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